Resolve It (Tom)

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(Tom's POV)
I sigh for the thirtieth time today and place a hand over my face. I've been in this funk ever since the day (Y/n) left. I've realized I can't live without her and I want to call her and beg her for another chance. Although I WANT to do that, I simply can't bring myself to do it because of how badly I treated her on the day we broke up.

"Tom, I really want to see you more!" (Y/n) confessed, making me roll my eyes. "(Y/n), you see me more than enough! I have more important things to do then sit around the house like you do." I told her, frustrated. She took a minute to comprehend what she had just been told while slowly looking towards the ground. "More important..." (Y/n) mumbles. At this moment, I knew I fucked up. "You have more important things to do... then be with me?" (Y/n) asks, looking up. "Thomas," She used my full first name; I'm in deep shit. "You may think I sit around the house all day, but I surely do not. When you come home, you don't see a dirty dish nor a smudgy window. You always have a meal in front of you and you never put up dishes because I do it for you," She looked me directly in the eyes. "I only sit around the house when I'm with you because I want to spend time with you and laugh and smile and talk! Thomas, I want to talk to you for God's sake!" She says the last sentence with her voice on the breaking point of tears. "I love you... but what is love whenever the person in front you can't see that?" Finished, she walks to the front door and grabs her coat before leaving. "Goodbye, Tom," She bids farewell. "I don't know when I'll see you again, but I will see you." Just as the front door closes, I nearly fall to my knees, asking myself what I just did.

I sigh again and drag my hand down my face. "What the hell have I done?" I ask myself aloud. "I made her out to be the most horrible person who just wanted to spend time with me." I note, my heart crumpling. I stand from the couch and quickly put on my rain coat as it is pouring outside. I grab my keys and walk outside before hopping into my car and nearly speeding to (Y/n)'s mother's house where she resides. She deserves an apology and I'm going to give it to her.

Twenty to thirty minutes later, I park beside the curb and quickly hop out before immediately running to the porch and knocking on the door. As rain falls onto me, I wait a few seconds before the door opens; it's (Y/n). "(Y/n)," I say, holding my hood to the sides of my head. "If you let me in, I will-" I don't even finish as (Y/n) quickly pulls me in and out of the rain. Closing the door behind her, I stand in front of her and take my coat off.

"Darling, I came here to apologize for what I said and-" I'm cut off yet again by (Y/n) slamming her lips onto mine. Surprised, I quickly kiss back as she hugs me closer to her, which I respond by following her actions. She moans and separates our lips before holding my forehead against hers with her hands. "Don't you ever do that to me again," She says. "I can't ever go another two months without you. It was like I lost the sun and I had no light to light my way." I sadly smile and kiss her nose. "You see why I've come here in the pouring rain," I note, her eyes darting to mine. "I can't live without you, (Y/n). I will make no excuses for what I did that night, but what I ask is for your forgiveness and another chance." (Y/n) smiles brightly with tears brimming her eyes. "Thomas, I will give you another chance," She tells me, moving a strand of hair away from my face. "I love you." I smile and hug her close again with my head laying against her shoulder. "I love you too," I say. "God, do I love you." I begin pecking the side of her head with my lips, causing her to giggle. "Oh, Tom," She says as I face her. She puts her hand against the back of my head, smiling warmly.

"I could never go without you. I was actually about to get my coat on and go to our apartment so I could apologize," She chuckles. "I guess we both need each other." "Not guess, darling," I correct her, smiling. "I KNOW I need you. And besides, you didn't do anything wrong." She smiles and tilts her head side to side. "No, I must've done something." she says. I go to reply to her but she intervenes. "But that's not the point anymore." She then leans her head back onto my shoulder, interlacing our fingers together. "Besides, I KNOW I need you too." She says, beginning to sway us as if we were dancing. I smile against her shoulder, wallowing in happiness as I have got the love of my life back into my arms once again.

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