Breakfast (Loki)

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This morning, you wake up earlier than Loki, which does not happen very often. You smile as you see his eyes peacefully closed and his lips curved into a natural smile. You get up from your bed and slipped on your (f/c), silk robe over your fuzzy black pajama pants and favorite graphic tee.

Heading out of the room and into the kitchen, you see Thor. He smiles at you with a Poptart and cup of coffee in his hands. "Good morning, Lady (Y/n)," He says, holding his coffee up. "How's Loki this morning?"

You smile and say "He's sleeping. He stayed up till two in the morning drawing." "You should ask him if you could see his sketchbook." He says, winking. You nervously chuckle and say "Okay." "Thor!" I hear behind me. Thor looks at where the voice cameand smiles. "Well, Lady (Y/n), I have to go. I will see you later." He says, walking into the Aveneger lounge. You shake your head and walk to the pantry. Pulling out the ingeredients to make pancakes, you smile. Loki's favorite breakfast is blueberry pancakes.

After the fourth pancake on the plate, you feel arms wrap around your waist and a head nuzzle against your neck. You look down and see Loki's pale arms and his black long sleeves hanging loosely around them. You smile and he kisses your cheek, his un-kept black hair brushing against your forehead. Turning around to Loki with the plate in hand, you hand him the plate causing him to smile. "How did you know?" He asks. You smile and say "I have my sources." He smiles and kisses your cheek.

Sitting at the dining table, he eats his pancakes while you stare at him lovingly. "What?" Loki asks smiling. You smile back and say "Nothing, dear," You say, taking his napkin and wipe the corner of his mouth. "You had some blueberry there." He laughs and says "Oh, Love, I am the god of mischeif. You cannot fool me." Blushing, you roll your eyes and lean across the table. Following your action of leaning across the table, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you closer to connect your lips together.

"Good morning to you too." He says, giving you a small peck on the lips.

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