Anticipation and Worry (Tom)

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I sat in the living room, biting my nails and waiting for the phone to ring. Much to my dismay, anytime my brain would scream 'now!', the damned cellular device would never make a sound. As I waited, I couldn't help but imagine what the first words coming from the receiver would be. Would they be "I'm safe and almost home!" or "Hey, I'm not going to be able to make it home. Just know that I love you."

Even though my boyfriend of four years was one of the most famous and intelligent actors out there, his common sense lacked in some areas. One of those areas consisted of knowing that boarding a plane that is going to be flying in an area where lightning and storms are prominent tonight is never a good idea. I didn't think he really thought twice about that until I told him my worries. Being the calm and collective person he was, he assured me it would be alright and that something inside him was telling him that things were going to go better than what we both expected.

The loud ring from the telephone disturbed me from my thinking, causing me to jump and grab the phone from the wall, nearly tearing it off in the process. "Hello?" I said into it as calm as possible. My anxiety suddenly returned from earlier as I realized Tom's flight still has two hours to get here.

"Hello, love," He greeted me, making me sigh a sigh of relief. His voice didn't sound scared or panicked at all. "We're almost home and I need you to be at the airport in around thirty minutes." My eyes widened. "Thirty minutes?" I questioned him, making sure I heard correctly. "Yes, thirty minutes," he said back with a small chuckle. "Didn't I tell you things would be better than expected?"

"Now's not the time to be boasting about your borderline-psychic abilities." I joke with a small laugh as I lean back against the wall. Tom laughs as well, only to cut himself off with a distressed "Oh no!" "What?!" I immediately ask, panicking with wide eyes and a scared frown. What made him do that?!

His laughter makes me sigh and roll my eyes. "Tom, you're an arse!" I tell him with a tired smile. "I'm sorry, my love!" He apologizes, still laughing. "I couldn't help it!" "Uh-huh," I mutter, my voice hinting toward sarcasm. "You'll be lucky if I'm even at the airport in thirty." I say sassily before hanging up with a smirk.

Payback's a bitch.

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