Messages (Tom)

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Trying to sleep, I find myself being kept awake by the light of the computer and storm that raged on outside of my apartment. Sighing, I lay deeper into the couch and cuddle my head against the pillow, wanting to fall asleep. As I lay there, comfortable in the cushions and blankets on me, I find myself falling asleep only for another clap of thunder to strike. In response, I jolt fully awake and accidently cause my laptop to slide out of my lap. I quickly catch it, letting the surge of adrenaline pass over me before placing it back on my lap. Releasing a breath I was holding in, I look back at my laptop screen and resume what I was doing: typing.

A few minutes pass as loud thunder strikes all around me before a message popping up at the bottom of my computer screen distracts from me the bad weather. Darting my eyes toward it, I open the message up and break into a smile upon seeing that it's a message from Tom. Clicking on the icon, my smile turns sweet as I read his message.

"I saw there were storms near our apartment. Are you alright?"

I quickly respond back.

"Yes, I'm fine :) The power has gone out a few times, but overall, everything is under control... in a way lol"

After pressing send, a sad smile takes over my lips as I type another message.

"I miss you a lot."

A message is quickly sent back.

"I miss you a lot too! You do not even know how much I miss you!"

I chuckled at his message.

"You only have three more weeks of filming and then you get to come home. If I can wait three weeks, you can too :)"

"I knoooooooooooooww, but I really want to be back home! I want to enjoy more of our lunches we have and those times when you tell me about your book that you're writing. I miss you and everything you do."

Tears brim my eyes at his message just before another message pops up below it.

"I miss everything about you."

Tom Hiddleston One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now