The Library (Tom)

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"Love, how long are we going to be at the library?" Tom asks as I drive. "Well, since I need to find references for (dream job), I think about three or more hours." He smiles and says "Okay!" He then takes my purse from the backseat and starts digging through it. "What are you searching for?" I ask. He chuckles and says "I'm playing a game called 'what sweets will I find in (Y/n)'s purse today?'." I shake my head and say "In the medicine bag." He takes the small pouch out excitedly and opens it. "Oh, caramel! Thank you, love!" He says, leaning over and kissing my cheek. I laugh and say "I love you too, you big goober."

In the library
Taking a reference from the shelf, Tom kisses my head and whispers "I'm so proud of you." Looking up at him, I ask "Why?" He smiles and whispers "Because you are working harder than most people would. And for that, I'm proud of you." I grin before his hand on my waist smacks my butt and he runs off. "Tom!" I say, slightly flustered and humored. Someone shushes me and I quickly walk out of that section to the table area where Tom waits, eating all of the caramel. I slightly laugh and shake my head. "Tom, you're going to get a sugar-high." I say, sitting down. He chuckles and pops another one into his mouth.

Putting the last reference on the shelf, I smile at how quickly I got that done. I turn around only to see Tom standing on the table and doing some hip dance. "Tom!" I whisper yell, laughing. "Get down from there!" He chuckles at me and stops. He then turns his back towards me and starts twerking. "Gosh, Tom!" I say, placing a hand over my eyes. He laughs and I hear the thud of his feet against the ground.

His long arms wrap around my waist and I smile. "I'm sorry, love. Shall I make it up to you?" He whispers, almost teasingly. I chuckle and uncover my eyes. "By buying me another bag of caramel, you can." I say, looking up at him with a smirk. He smiles and says "That, I can do." I lightly kiss his lips and rest my arm on his shoulder. "And when we get home, you will review me over the vocabulary I need to learn." I say, tilting my head. "I can also do that." He says. "And you get to clean the attic." "Oh, darling, anything but that!"  Tom quickly replies, the smile gone and eyes now wide. I giggle and kiss his lips again.

"I'm just joking, darling. I wouldn't put you through that." He breaks into another smile and hugs my waist against him. "You little minx." He mutters, leaning in closer to my ear. I smirk and lean closer into his. "I'm your little minx, though." I whisper, teasingly. Tom then holds me tightly against him and says "It. Is. On."

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