Mr. Nurse Hiddleston (Tom)

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"Tom, really! I'm fine! It's just-" I'm cut off by my own sneeze. "Allergies..." I say as Tom lays my favorite blanket over me. "(Y/n), you're seven months pregnant," Tom starts, placing a hand on my cheek. "I just don't want the baby to get hurt." As if on queue, our son kicks and I laugh, causing me to cough again. Tom looks at me worriedly and unsure before walking into the kitchen. I hear the medicine cabinet open as I snuggle deeper into the couch. I place my hand on my belly and rub over it. "It's okay, baby boy," I say as he kicks excitedly. "It's going to be alright." 

"Here, love," I hear beside me. I look over and see Tom's pale hand with two Tylenol in his palm. "It'll help with your fever and headache." I nod and take the pills from his hand. He gives me a glass of water from his other hand and watches to make sure I take the medicine. With the water still in my hand, I lean back against the couch and close my eyes. The water is taken from my hand before I hear shuffling beside me. A warm hand plants itself onto my stomach and I smile. I crack one eye open and see Tom sitting beside the couch, smiling as he stares at my belly. "Darling, I wouldn't doubt if you had a cold." He says, looking up at me. I nod and place my hand on top of his. We stare at each other's eyes for a few seconds before the teakettle in the kitchen begins screaming. "I'll be right back, my love." Tom says before standing up and walking to the kitchen. The baby then kicks at the absence of Tom's hand and I smile rubbing over the area of his foot. "It's okay, baby," I say. "Daddy'll be right back." He kicks his foot again, almost as a sign of approval.

A tray being set against the coffee table causes me to open my eyes and look over to see two cups of steaming hot tea on the tray with little biscuits beside the teapot. I smile and Tom helps me sit up from my laid down position. Moving my legs onto the floor, Tom sits down beside me and hands me a cup of tea. While taking the other cup, Tom wraps his arms around me and kisses the side of my head. "I hope you feel better, my love." He says, as I nuzzle myself into his side. "Thank you." I say, taking a sip of the cooling tea. "No problem, my dear," He says, kissing the top of my head. We both enjoy our cups of tea in silence, enjoying each other's comments.

Placing my empty tea cup down along with Tom, I yawn. "Tired?" He asks. I nod and he lays us both down with him behind me. "Sleep well," He says, wrapping an arm around my chest since my waist and stomach is being taken up at the moment. He nuzzles his face into the back of my neck and I close my eyes at the feeling of his soft brown curls. "I love you." "I love you too, Tom." I say, placing my hands on top of his. Soon enough, we both fall into our naps and sleep till late at night.

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