(Y/n) Laufeyson... I like that. (Loki)

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"I have another treat for you." Loki says, as we walk into the dining area. "Oh, what?" I ask, smiling. He claps his hands together and a woman comes rushing out. "Yes, your majesty?" She asks, quickly. "Bring us tea and scones." He demands, gently. "Right away, sir." She runs off and he turns back to me. "Scones?" (Y/n) asks, once the maid is gone. I turn towards her confused and realization hits me. "(Y/n), what do you usually eat at home?" I ask. "I seem to notice you become amazed at the many types of usual food." She averts her eyes towards her left and starts rubbing her arm. "If I'm lucky," she says, looking up. "Potatoes, bread, water, and... um... I uh, think that's it." At this, my eyebrows go down in thought; why do her parents hate her so much to give her so little?

The clatter of plates and cups against the dining table brings me out my sympathy for (Y/n) and I smile. I take her hand in mine and wait for the blush to occupy her cheeks. Both of them turn red and I smile of satisfaction. We walk to the dining table and see three plates of different kinds of pastries, a tea pot, and two tea cups. I pull out (Y/n)'s chair, earning a warm smile, and a polite "Thank you." She sits in her chair and I sit in mine.

"Loki, today was an amazing day. Thank you." (Y/n) says, as we stand outside of the gate. I smile and say "You're welcome, (Y/n)." She smiles back and I kiss her cheek. Her eyes then widen and another blush claims her cheeks. She then turns and starts walking away. She quickly turns around waves, before turning back around and walking away.

As soon as I walk back inside the palace and the door closes, Thor chuckles and shakes his head. "What?" I aks, looking over at him. He smiles and says "You are crazy for that girl." "I am not." I retort back quickly. "Oh?" Thor asks, mockingly. "I could remember when you used to say that I was the fool and you were the vanisher, but my dearest brother, I think you have become the-" "Loki! Thor!" Mother Frigga yells, running down the hall, inturrupting Thor. Smirking, I turn to Mother Frigga and wait for her statement. "Your dearest father, Odin, has decided on having each chosen young lady of Asgard to come to the palace so you can pick your queens!" "Oh no." I say, my shoulders slumping. "Okay!" Thor says, clapping his hands together. "This will be... interesting." I mutter. "Yes, it will love. Yes it will." Mother says, putting a hand on my back.

After hearing the announcement, I go back to my room and read. A servant comes in and gives me my lunch, but I do not feel hungry. Instead, I feel as if my world is shattered. As if, something has been taken from me.

"Son, what is wrong? You haven't eaten your lunch yet." Mother says, walking into my room. I avert my eyes from my book and to the uneaten, now cold, soup that sits on a tray with grapes and cheese; apparently, some time has passed and I haven't realized it. "I'm just not hungry, mother." I say, quickly.

Sitting beside me, she wraps her arms around me and pulls me to her. "Is it about what your father said?" She asks. I stay silent, my head against her shoulder. She gasps and says "It is!" She looks down at me and hugs me tighter.

"Oh darling, you know how you're father is. You and your brother are seventeen, so he thought it was time," I look up at her and quickly look back down. "But why are you worried, darling?" She asks, now confused. "I don't want to say." I say quickly. "You can tell me, love." She says, giving me an encouraging smile.

"Its... I don't want to marry any of the woman," I say, averting my eyes from Mother Frigga's. "I... I already have someone in mind." Mother gasps and says "Who, Loki? Is it -- IS IT (Y/N)?" I furrow my eyebrows, confused, and say "Mother, how do you know her name?" "Oh, never mind that, Loki," she says, waving her hand. "But, (Y/n)? Oh, that is so wonderful, Loki!"

I smile and ask "So, I'm allowed to?" "Oh, Loki, I encourage it!" She says. I smile and say "Okay, mother. But what if she says no because we haven't known each other for that long?" "How long ago did you meet her?" Mother asks. "About... seven months ago." Now let me ask you these questions,"

"How much do like her?"
"A lot. More than anyone else I've met."
"Okay. Do you seem happy around her?"
"Mother, I am enthralled and laughing around her."
"Is she happy around you?"

I smile and look down. "She tells me that when she is with me, it is the happiest she has ever been in her lifetime." Mother smiles with me and says "Loki, I think you two have a very special bond, of what I hear and see. Not even your father and I have that relationship." I quickly push away the thought in my head saying that Odin isn't my father, which is true, and nod. "I will ask her soon, but I must find a way..." a small metal thing is pushed into my hand and I look down to see Mother's ring. "M-mother." I stutter out. She smiles with a tear in her eye and says "I have been waiting for the day that you would fall in love. Loki, get your woman and live the best life you can with her."

Greeting (Y/n) at the palace gates, I smile and take her hand in mine. She smiles back and says "Good morning, my prince." "Good morning, my princess." I say back. She blushes and I lead her and I to the garden.

As she admires all the flowers, I smile at her calm and soft (s/c) cheeks. I notice her beautiful and bright (e/c) marble-like eyes bouncing across the flowers curiosly. I then notice how plump and luxurious her pink lips are today; oh, how I could lay my lips upon hers and stay like that all day.

Turning towards me, (Y/n) smiles at me and says "Well, Loki, what's on the agenda for today?" I smirk and feel the ring through my pocket material. "Well my dear darling," I say, wrapping my arm around her waist, achieving the same reaction as always: her smile and blush. "I would like to share something with you." She nods and says "And that is?" Getting one knee, I take her hand in mine and look into her confused eyes as they stare into my nervous ones. "(Y/n) (L/n), I have felt the best of my life when I am with you as well. Everyday, I feel like a happier and overall better man when I'm with you. The mere thought of you brings a smile to my lips and I know that I cannot live another day without you. So, will you become my queen and be (Y/n) Laufeyson?" She grins and lets out a happy sob. "Yes, Loki, I will!" She yells before getting on her knees and tackling me in a hug. She cries happily into my shoulder and I let out a held in breath. I grin and pull her away from my shoulder, just to see that beautiful smile of hers. I take her left hand in mine and slip the ring on her finger before connecting her lips to mine in a passionate kiss. "Yes, Loki. I will be your queen and I will become (Y/n) Laufeyson." She says, cupping my face in her hands. I grin and hug her closer to me. "I love you so much," I say, pushing my forehead against hers. "And for many more years to come, my feelings will remain." "As I too, my love."

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