Right Now (Tom)

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Laughing as the twins dance crazily, I take a sip from my coffee and continue watching them shake their heads and arms. "Chase, be careful," I say, as he starts spinning in circles with his arms out. "You might hit your sister!" I say it all too soon, before he accidently hits Sarah. "Sorry, sis!" He says. She smiles and says "It's alright." They both resume dancing and I laugh again. Out of no where, Tom jumps on the rug with them and starts dancing. The kids, still dancing, laugh at him and I have to restrain myself from spitting my coffee out. "Come dance with us, love!" Tom says, holding his arm out for me. "Yeah, mommy!" The twins say in unison, quickly glaring at each other. They hate when they do that. I chuckle and say "Sorry, I don't dance." I then shriek as Tom picks me up bridal style from the couch and dances with me in his arms. I laugh and say "Tom, put me down!" He chuckles and says "Okay." He pretends to drop me and I accidently scream. The twins laugh even more and I hold on tighter to Tom. "It's okay, darling. I'm not going to drop you." He says, doing his cute chuckle afterwards. He kisses my cheek and starts dancing again. I stare at his crystal blue eyes as he stares into my (e/c) eyes with love and passion filling them. He lays another kiss on my forehead and the kids 'ew' loudly, before running out of the living room. Tom chuckles and says "Doesn't take much to make them run off disgusted." Laughing, I say "And when they get older, it'll just get worse." He smiles and nuzzles his forehead against mine. "Oh, what fun we'll have in the future, but for right now..." He says, his voice getting deeper.

"Let's see what right now has in store for us."

Tom Hiddleston One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now