Magic Flowers (Loki)

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After greeting the guards, I walk into the castle and see Loki sitting in an armchair doing his usual hobby, reading. Out of instinct, I smile; I have grown rather fond of the prince. He smiles back and stands up to greet me. Even though Thor towers over Loki, Loki towers over me. He looks down at me and says "Hello, my fair maiden." "Hello, my prince." I say back. He smiles warmly before asking "Would you like to see a new place tonight?" I smile and nod.

Last time we went somewhere together, we went out to look at the stars. I caught him staring at me instead of the stars and I smiled at him due to me having likeness towards him. I soon brushed the thoughts of him sharing my feelings off like a broom on a tile floor.

Walking with him, he leads us to the garden. We walk down the rows of flowers and we talk. "Lady (Y/n), have you ever heard of magic?" Loki asks. I smile and nod. "Yes, I have many times, Loki." I have a secret to tell Loki about magic, but will I share it? Yes, we have known each other since childhood, but only I know about my power. He smiles and says "Have you ever seen it?" he then holds his hand out and a glowing blue light appears in his palm. "Wow." I say, amazed. My eyes widen at the scene and a curious grin takes over my normal smile. Loki grins and closes his hand, making the light disappear. I smirk and look at a plant nearby. Why not?

I tap a blue petal, making it change to pink and orange. "Oh my." Loki says with a smile. I look at him and decide to tell him. "I have always had a strange color-changing-power with plants." I say. He smiles and asks "Do you have any other powers?" I shake my head and say "No, just that."

Looking back at him, I see Loki has closed his eyes with his head cast downward. "May I tell you something?" He asks, closing his eyes. "Anything." I say. "I have fallen for you, Lady (Y/n)," He says, opening his eyes and looking up. A warm feeling travels throughout my chest and I feel like I'm invincible. I disguise it with a smile and he continues. "I love your intelligence, I love your attitude, and I love your sense of individuality." I smile even more and he takes one of my hands in his. I repeat his steps with our other hands and he finally smiles from his nervousness. "Loki, I have also grown fond of you," I state, staring into his green eyes with my (e/c) eyes. "Loki, I don't know many people. You are my true friend and I could never ask for anyone more. You make me feel welcomed and accepted." He smiles even more and puts his forehead against mine.

"I love you, my fair maiden."

"And I love you, my prince."

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