An Engagement Ring? (Loki)

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Teen! Loki x Teen! Reader
Highschool AU

As (Y/n) writes away in her notebook, escaping the world and math class, Loki watches and reads as she does. He smiles reading each word and his mood become happy as he reads about a baker and her boyfriend and her step-son. The teacher, Mrs. Laffin, stares as the two not pay attention to a single word she says.

(Y/n) and Loki both didn't like the teacher, even though Loki had only been at the school for two weeks, but then again, it only took two weeks for Loki and (Y/n) to become best friends. Since they didn't like the teacher, they each had come up with a nickname for her. (Y/n) called her 'Aunt Flow herself' and Loki called her, simply, 'a mewling quim'.

"(Y/n)! Loki!" Mrs. Laffin says, frustrated with the two. All eyes in the class avert to them, yet (Y/n)'s eyes and Loki's eyes avert to teacher, unshaken. "Both of you, gather your things and go out in the hall," Mrs. Laffin says, pointing a ruler at the two. "If you're not going to learn in my classroom, you shouldn't be in here." Standing, Loki smirks as he hears (Y/n) think "Thank. You." They both grab their bag and walk in the hall, where they plop against the wall.

(Y/n) chuckles interrupting the silence and Loki looks at her. "What?" He asks, a smile of his own taking over his lips. She smiles and says "Let's just let her pretend her little screech fest actually left a mark on us." Loki laughs and says "I like you." She looks over at him, her (h/l) (h/c) hair bouncing as she does. "I like you too, you stubborn king." Loki's frozen heart melts at this as he really did like (Y/n) as something more than a friend, but little did he know, (Y/n) liked him too more than a friend.

Staring at each other for a few seconds, Loki decides to ask a question he's been desiring for weeks. "Are you engaged?" He asks blankly. Taken aback and confused, (Y/n) asks "What?" He then points to her ring and says "Your ring. Is that an engagement ring?" (Y/n) looks at her ring along with Loki and starts laughing. "No," (Y/n) says, calming herself down from laughing. "No, Loki, this is a promise ring." "What is that?" He asks, leaning in. (Y/n) smiles and says "A promise ring is something that either females or males wear to promise their father that they will wait until marriage to... you know..." "Know what?" Loki asks, still confused. (Y/n) takes a breath before saying "Lose their-" "Maidenhood?" Loki asks, now realizing. (Y/n) squints her eyes thinking for a second and says "Yes..." Loki smiles and says "Well, that's actually quite wonderful you say that now because after looking at Facenovel and tatter-" "Facebook and Twitter." (Y/n) says, correcting him with a kind smile. He chuckles and says "After looking at Facebook and Twitter, I have learned that most girls don't see the point of that any longer." (Y/n) smiles and says "Thank you, Loki. I don't like fitting in. A puzzle piece never truly fits in without a little space being in between them." "Unless they're perfect for each other." Loki mutters under his breath, barely audible, but with (Y/n)'s excellent hearing, she hears this and smiles at him.

She really liked him.

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