Beautiful Morning (Tom)

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I watch as (Y/n) hums while cooking breakfast. Smiling, I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist, causing her slightly jump. Her fright turns into laughter and she says "Good morning, darling." "Good morning, love." I say back, kissing her neck. She giggles and says "Now, Tom, it is too early for that." I chuckle in her ear and say "Okay."

Finished making breakfast, she turns around and wraps her arms around my neck before laying her head on my chest. "So," she says slowly. "What are we doing today?" I smile and say "Well, out daily agenda consists of going to the bookstore, going to that lingerie store you oh-so love," "No, its you who loves my Marilyn Monroe underwear and bras." She says, earning a chuckle from me. "Well, you do look stunning in them if I do say so myself." She laughs and looks up at me with her (e/c) eyes. She kisses my cheek and says "Well, let's eat breakfast and then we can go shopping," she leans in closer to my ear and says "And when we get back... it is fair game." She then turns around and walks up the stairs to our bedroom, leaving me smiling like an idiot.

God, I love this woman.

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