Bath Time (Loki)

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I smile as Loki places both hands on my swollen stomach. He stares at it lovingly and says "Okay, I know you two don't want to come out of mommy's belly, so do not give her any trouble tonight, okay?" I giggle and he kisses it. "Shall I go run the bath water?" He asks, looking up at me. I smile and nod. Standing, he walks off and I place my hands where his were previously.

"You know, you guys," I say, running my hands over the linen of my dress. "I enjoy having you with me and I think your daddy enjoys seeing and feeling you guys move, so whenever you two decide is the right time to see the world, know that me and daddy will always be here for you and will love you unconditionally." I day, smiling. "Are you ready, my love?" Loki asks, appearing around the door. I look up from my belly and nod. He helps me up from the green and black silky sheets and helps me wobble to the bathroom.

I smile hearing (Y/n) sing as she lays in the bath tub, washing herself and our twins. "I love you both so much," She sings. I smile even more and take two soft coral colored towels from the hall closet. "Your daddy and I can't wait to see you," I slowly walk to the bathroom doorway, trying not to startle her. "I know you two will be as beautiful as your father," she sings. I smile and mutter I lean against the doorway and watch as she cups water from the bath into her hand and pours it onto her belly. The bubbles from the soap covers the top of water, covering every part of (Y/n) except her out poking stomach. "Darling." I say, not wanting to scare her. She looks up at me and smiles. "Loki." She says. I place the towels on the counter top and walk to the tub. I sit beside it and (Y/n) rests her head against the back of the tub wall. "Nine months already." I say, rubbing her stomach. "Mhm." She says back, enjoying the small massage. "I swear, it was just yesterday we were in the wedding chapel exchanging our vows." "Your vows were so beautiful, Loki." (Y/n) says. I lean over and kiss her forehead. I smirk and say "It also seems just yesterday you were wearing the outfi-" "DON'T SPEAK ABOUT THE OUTFIT!" (Y/n) says, cutting me off with a grin. I chuckle at her and (Y/n) laughs a little with me, before wincing. Instant worry fills me and I ask "What's wrong?" She holds a hand to her stomach and says "Nothing, nothing. It's just... they're kicking." I simply smile; not because of (Y/n)'s pain, but because it's amazing for the twins to be kicking. In a book I read, Jotun babies kick extremely hard while in the womb, but with (Y/n) being a midguardian, it's only half as bad which is a blessing.

Helping (Y/n) into her pajamas, she places both hands on my shoulder to help balance herself. I pull the dress over her stomach and kiss it while doing so. She grins lovingly at me doing this, even though I pretty much do this every night. I help her lay down in our bed and pull the soft, silk sheets over her. I pull my shirt off, leaving me in my pajama pants and I crawl in next to (Y/n). She turns to me the most she can and lightly kisses my forehead. "I love you so much, Loki." She says. I smile and plant a short kiss on her lips. "I love you too, (Y/n)," I say, placing a hand on her stomach, only for the twins to kick. "And I love you both, too."

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