Fighting (Loki)

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"Woman, you will never understand me!" Loki yells as I stand before him, not losing my place as I try to keep my calm. "Why do you think like that, Loki?" I ask, placing a hand on his cheek. For one second, Loki leans toward my hand, only to quickly pull his face away. "Because, you cynical and vile being," Loki begins, making tears well in my eyes. "I am the monster mothers tell their children about at night. I am a being that my own brother would kill! I am a being that even I once wanted to kill..."

Everything in my mind pieces together all the things I've just been told. Loki... is a frost giant. Loki is a frost giant... like me.

Loki turns around and begins to walk away only for me to quickly change into my Jotun form before yanking Loki back. Loki turns toward me, infuriated, becoming shocked upon seeing me. "A monster mothers tell their children about at night?" I ask. "Darling, I think we both know you are wrong." At this, Loki slowly transforms into his Jotun form. As soon as he does, he attacks me in a hug while slowly murmuring things into my neck. I giggle at this. "What are you saying?" I ask. Loki looks up at me with his ruby red eyes before running a hand across the runes on my cheeks. "I was saying that I'm glad I have you to be myself with. Any other woman would have run off screaming in fright, but you, you are different," He then looks down and I watch as his face turns sad. "I'm sorry for what I sad earlier." He apologizes. I smile and place a hand on his cheek. "It's okay, Loki, just please don't ever do it again or I might have to leave you which I never want to do." He looks up and chuckles lowly. "I never want you to leave, my love." He says.

"Even if I wasn't a frost giant like you, I would still be here because I love you." I assure him after a few seconds. He smiles up at me before we both change back into our Asgardian forms as Loki kisses my cheek. "I love you too, my dear. And may I say something?" He questions. I smile. "You may." I allow him.

"You are as beautiful as a frost giant as you are now." Loki confesses. I blush. "Stop it," I tell him. "You're just saying that." Loki immediately denies it. "No, you truly are beautiful in any form you take!" He assures me. "You truly are beautiful, my love." His arms around me tighten, making me giggle. Grinning, I say "Okay, okay," I look him in the eye. "I'm beautiful." "You're damn right you are." Loki says, pulling me close by the sides of my face. I laugh again and place my lips on Loki's plump lips. He quickly kisses back before I pull away, leaning his head against my shoulder.

"Even though this is a hard time for you, I will do anything in my might to help you."

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