A Pleasant Surprise (Tom)

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PG rating; some sexual (a lot) references and visions *wink, wink*

The bright light of the morning sun shines through our room, waking me up from my sleep. I smile and go to put my arm over on Tom, only to find his bedside empty. I immediately sit up and look around; it's early in the morning and he's out of bed. On the clock, it reads eight in the morning. Sadness hits me as I begin to think he got called in for rehearsing, but he'll usually leave a note or something.

Throwing my legs over the side of the bed, I quickly stand on my feet and wander out of the room. When he does leave a note, it's usually on the kitchen counter, so that's where I'm headed. Walking the hallway, I don't hear any of his music playing so he has to be rehearsing. I sigh and frown at the same time before walking in the kitchen and looking around for a note; no such luck.

"Great," I mutter, throwing my arms to the side. "He didn't even leave me a note." I then look over at the backdoor to gaze at the sun, but only to find Tom sunbathing. The best part (or worst, it just depends on how you role XD ) is that he's naked with a magazine of some sort covering his junk. I smirk before sliding the backdoor panel open and stepping onto the stone pathway. Upon hearing the noise, Tom opens his eyes and looks over at me with a smile.

"Good morning, my love," He says, his voice kind of deep. "Did you sleep well?" "Yes, I did," I answer, walking closer. "And must I say, the view is wonderful." "Oh, yeah?" He asks, trying to be a smart aleck. "Yes," I answer, looking towards the sky. "The sun is so bright and clouds look so pure." Almost as if disappointed, Tom's smile drops. Laying his head back on the lawn chair, he closes his eyes and I begin to think about how to make the situation slightly... comical and teasing in a way of sorts.

Walking to the pool, I strip down from my pajamas and jump into the pool. The water splashes onto Tom making his eyes instantly open. "Darling, what are you do..." He trails off as he looks over and sees my pajamas and underclothes all in a pile on the tile around the pool. I smirk and rest my chin and arm on the edge of the pool. "Care to join me?" I ask, teasingly. He smirks and stands from the lawn chair before walking over and jumping into the pool next to me. He instantly hugs me and kisses me.

I decide to mess with him and quickly kick off the side of the pool, divng to the floor. I smirk and turn underwater to see Tom diving after me. I scream, but it only comes out as an air bubble that rises to the top. Giggling, I keep swimming away until I can't breathe and have to resurface. As soon as I do, Tom does the same before quickly rewrapping his arms around me and nuzzling his face into my neck, making me giggle. "It's funny how we've been married for one year and this is the first time we've skinny dipped," He says, leaning closer to my ear. "I like your ideas..."

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