Locked Away (Loki)

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This was a request and I had so much fun writing it :) Sorry it took me so long!!!

Something about today is causing me to think nonstop about Loki and I don't know why. Perhaps it's the little one growing in my womb that reminds me everyday of how she got there. Not to mention the fluttering kicks she gives me very often does bring back memories of her father's persistence; it must be a dominant trait that Loki carries (how funny).

The only bad thing about having the love of my life stuck on my mind all day is the fact that I can't have him for he is stuck in a cell away from me. I've only gotten one chance to see him since he was imprisoned and that was the day I conceived. I thank Mother Frigga almost everyday for letting me see Loki that one faithful day. If it wasn't for her, she wouldn't have a grandchild. Or in her words, a granddaughter. She frequently tells me she can sense it's a girl and I don't doubt her. In a way, I can feel it's a girl too.

Because Mother Frigga is like an actual mother to me, I asked for her to help me through my pregnancy, and today is no different from the reat. As I walk to her chambers to talk about what different herbs for tea would help with fatigue and sleep, I read over a few pages in a book that Mother Frigga gave me last night. It contains stories that you can read to your baby. They're mostly about fairy tales, but I've reread this certain story five times and now I'm reading it for the sixth time.

As I pass the main room, I see Thor in the corner of my eye walking with someone. I don't pay him any mind though, trying to hurry to Mother Frigga. Instead, I'm stopped after a few seconds of walking as someone wraps their arms around my waist. Shocked, I accidently fling my book to the ground. I'm about to yell in surprise at this stranger, only for all my anger to instantly diminish upon hearing that sweet, yet mysterious voice I fell in love with.

"Hello, frægiligr1."

Turning around in the strong pair of arms, I come face to face with the man I love, my (e/c) eyes meeting his brilliant emerald ones. "Loki?" I ask, my voice wavering a little as tears arise to my eyes. Those same green orbs I mentioned before crinkle with a smile before he leans in and attaches his lips to mine. I don't know how many days I have waited for this moment where I could relive having warmth on my lips with a heart that's beat matched my own against my chest like all the other times we shared in each other's embrace.

Once we pull away, we lean our foreheads together just before I feel Loki's soft hand place itself on my swollen tummy. "You are with child," He notes. "My child." His smile is like none other. Its the smile of one who has just discovered that one of his dreams came true. It is one of a father's.

I smile back at him, tears in the corners of my eyes. "Yes, Loki," I say to him, pushing my forehead back against his. Even though Thor is yelling behind us for Loki to come back to him, Loki stays with me. Before Thor comes up and tries to take Loki away, I hold onto him by the sides of his face while telling him one last thing for I do not know if I will ever have another chance to tell him this. "We love you."

Frægiligr means Magnificent

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