King of my Heart (Loki)

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"I want to conquer something, one day." Loki says, as you and him sit in the garden. You look up at him from the crysanthemum flowers in your hands and ask "Why?" "Because, I would like to see why Odin likes being king. I don't find what the big deal about it is." You shrug and say "I don't either, but I think I would find it boring." He smiles over at you and attacks you in a hug. "Loki, what are you doing?" you ask, a smile etching its way onto your lips. Loki shrugs against you and says "I felt like it. I love you, (Y/n)." "I love you too, Loki."

AGE 16
"(Y/n), I want to conquer Midgard." Loki says, bringing you out of your book. "What?" You ask, looking at him, concerned. "I want to rule over many people, (Y/n)." He repeats. You sigh and stand from your seat. You sit next to him on his couch and ask "Why, Loki?" He looks at you and says "I want be a ruler over many people." "Why?" You ask, once more. He slowly averts his eyes downward and you frown realizing the true meaning. He wants to be king because he wants what he was promised. He wants to be king, like he was told he would become.

"Loki, it does not matter, if you rule over a thousand people or only one person-" "Yes it does!" He yells, standing. You look up at him and say "Loki, no it doesn't." Standing with him, he looks at you angrily and you act brave. "Oh please, (Y/n). List one person I rule over!" You slowly look at the floor and walk closer to him. You weren't planning to tell him your feelings like this, but why not.

You slowly take his hand in yours and put it on your heart. You look back up into his confused emerald eyes and say "You rule over my heart, Loki." He stares at you for a few seconds before breaking into a heart warming smile. He quickly wraps his arms around you and says "As do you, my fair maiden." You smile and he pulls away. You both stare lovingly at each other briefly, before connecting your lips in a loving kiss.

"I love you, Loki."

"I love you too, my queen."

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