Welcome Home (Tom)

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Anticipating Tom's arrival, I bounce from one foot to another as I watch from the airport window. My eyes stay glued to the scenery, waiting for a plane to come into my view. Tom has been in the United States for eight months and man, have I missed him. We've been skyping and messaging each other constantly, but I just want to feel his warmth around me as he hugs me. I also want to hear his voice again. My gosh, I say these things as if I haven't seen him in forever, but it feels like that.

A plane coming into view makes me instantly dart my eyes to it and watch as it lands. I smile to myself, hoping it's Tom's plane. It lands pretty quickly before everyone starts unloading from it after a few moments. I quickly look for a head full of blonde hair and recognize a head full of blonde curls. The smile on my face grows to a very wide grin before everyone walks inside of the airport. I almost dance away from the window and walk closer to the entrance where Tom will be. As soon as I stop, I look along with a few people to see if I can see Tom. I can.

I quickly find an empty area where Tom quickly finds me as well. He greets me with a grin before running to me and trapping me in his arms. Wrapping my arms around him, I giggle as he picks me up off my feet and spins with me in his arms. When he puts me back down on my feet, I can't help but hug him closer. For a moment, we just stand there, holding each other. We slowly take the time to realize were seeing each other without a computer or phone screen between us.

"God, I missed you so much." Tom confesses, breathing me in. I smile and say "I missed you too, Tom. I missed you so-so much." My voice cracks as I begin happily crying. Tom notices and pulls away a little so he can face me. He quickly wipes my tears away while saying "Darling, please don't cry. I'm here now, okay? We can resume our prank wars now." I quickly laugh, making Tom smile at his achievement. "I'm sorry, my love," I apologize, taking Tom's face into my hands. "As I said, I just really missed you." Tom chuckles his typical chuckle. "Why don't we go home after I get my luggage? And then we can make that lemon chicken with the asparagus, okay?" I smile. "It will definitely go with the tiramisu I made this morning." Tom breaks into a smile. "I think it's going to be the second best welcome home gift." I let out a confused chuckle. "What's the first best welcome home gift?" I ask. He leans in closer, pushing his forehead against mine while taking my hands in his. "You."

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