I Love You More Than Juice|Ms.OXOscar

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The dark haired girl let out a groan.Well,more like a sad groan.It had been 7 months since Oscar had left the squad to be the President Of the United States.(Just Kidding.XD)He left to be President of the Odd Squad Science Department.

It hurt her to tell him that he should stay,but I seemed to her that it hurt Oscar more.His eyes had suddenly gotten smaller when she told him someone needed to run the Science Department.They met up every day on the first week of every month.

But lately,he had been so busy that she hadn't seen him in over 4 months.Not one word from him.Not even a letter.It felt like Oscar waa trying to avoid Ms.O.In reality,he was just so busy.

Today was like any other day.That's what Ms.O thought but today she received a call from someone she missed so much.As she sipped away on her juice box,her assistant ran in making her drop her juice.

"Ms.O,there's someone on the phone wanting to speK to you."

"Tell them I'm busy."She mumbled as she threw away the juice box and grabbed another one from the juice bar.

"Ms.O but he-"

"Orie!!Just tell them I'm busy."She sat back down on her chair and stared at Orie.

"Yes ma'am.I'll do that."Orie ran out the door into the offixe next to Ms.O's.She shouldn't have yelled at her assistant like that but she was just tired.She wanted to go home and sleep.But being the O of the office also meant you had to do paperwork.

Her whole desk was full of the paperwork,she'd never finish.Letting out a grumpy sigh,the black haired girl started on her files.This would be a long day.

"Ms.O!!!Ms.O!!!Ms.O."She groaned and shifted in her sleep.

"I have a....a strawberry kiwi juice box."Instantly,she sat up and to her suprise a blonde boy was smiling back at her.His eyes sparked through his glasses.He grabbed his lab coat and let a small laugh.

"OSCAR!!!"Oprah jumped out of her chair and rushed over to oscar.She tried to give him a hug but she was too short so she just wrapped her arms around his arms.

"Aw.I missed you too."He kneeled down to her height and hugged her.When he embraced her,she took in his scent.He smelled like peppermint and chemicals but to the young girl it didn't matter.

She immediately pulled away from him and smoothed out her uniform.

"Sorry,just got a bit emotionally.What I want to know is,what you're doing here.Aren't you supposed to be back at the Odd Squad Science Department?"

"Heh,well since you didn't want to answer my phone call I was getting worried.So I came here to check on you and......ask...you.."The blonde was a bright red.He was blushing!!!Why on earth was he blushing?

Oprah put her hand on her hip and gave Oscar a look."Ask me what?"

He started stuttering and had no words.He had become starstruck."Er-um......if...you...you want to....go out for lunch?"
A smile made it's way to the girl's mouth.She would never reject this adorkable geek.

"Sure.I'd like that."He put on a goofy smile and grabbed onto his lab coat.She had noticed that that was a habit of his,grabbing onto his lab coat.She never understood but hey,everyone has their habits so no point in judging.

Oscar took her to Cantalone's for spaghetti and soup.He chose spaghetti with a side of salad while Ms.O chose spaghetti as well but with a side of breadsticks.

"This is nice.Excellent food.Nice music.You and me.Together.Alone."Ms.O kept smiling until she realized what she had said.
She stuttered to find words.

"Oh my goodness.....Oscar....t-that's not what I meant."

"It's alright Ms.O,I know what you meant."He winked at her,making her blush madly.

"You're President now,call me Oprah."

He rubbed the back of his neck and poked his food around."Like I said before,it's going to take a while for that name to sink in."
She sighed.Funny how things can change.

She gave a sad smile.She wished thir was a way for her to stay with Oscar forever.Just like they used to.Half of the time,Oscar and Ms.O talked about his new position.The rest of the time,they laughed at old times.

After finishing their meals and paying for it,it was dark outside.They decided to take a walk in the park.As they walked,quietly down the path,Oscar took a juice box out of his pocket and handed it to Ms.O.

Oscar hugged her and smiled.To his suprise,Ms.O threw  the juice box and hugged him back.

"I've never seen you reject a juice box before."

"So....I just love you more then juice,that why I don't want the juice right now.It's not important."She gave him a smirk and they continued to walk.

She would have to spend time with him the most she could.After all he was very busy with his job and never really saw her.It was better than not seeing him at all.

She rejected the juice because to her Oscar was the only one the mattered.She didn't need a juice box or a puppy or anything romantic just as long as she had her dork.Her love.Her life.Her Oscar.

Her geeky,funny,nice,adorkable Oscar.
Hey lovely babies.So I won't be able to update that much due to school starting soon.So if you don't see a new chapter it's because of that.Or because I have writers block.

I have a terrible fear of heights.I found this out the hard way when I was on our apartments balcony and when I looked down I started panicking and broke down into tears.

My family was like 'What's wrong' and I'm like 'I am afraid of heights' -_-Oh whale.

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