Forgive me?~OliveXTodd

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She turned and turned.She sat up and looked at the right of her bed.


His side of the bed felt lonely and sad.He'd gotten away from her but he needed her.He wanted her.He wanted his ex.

Olive grabbed one of his pillows and smelled it.It had some of his scent in it.She cried into it.He got away.

"Todd?"Todd looked at the 19 year old and gave her a sad smile.

"I-......I'm sorry Scribbles...I just miss her.She says she'll get back with me.I really do still think of her."Olive closed her eyes and slumped in the chair that was in the corner.

"You do?"

"Yes.But I-"

"Todd......if you feel that way.....go to her.....just go to her."

"Are you sure?"Todd looked at her.She looked out the window watching the Seabreeze.

"Yes......"Todd walked over to her and gave her a hug.

"Thanks Olive.And I'm really sorry."Olive remained silent as she heard Todd close the front door.The storm inside her eyes finally broke out.She cried her eyes out until she had nothing left.

"I will never stop loving you."Olive picked up a picture of them and hugged it.

Olive picked up the same picture of them and placed one hand on it.Todd and her had accidentally worn the the same outfit that day.The same sweatshirts that read 'Don't Trust Anyone'.Same colored jeans.The same shoes,white Converse.

Ms.O had bought them matching flower crowns and took the picture of them as twinsies.That was also the day Todd asked Olive out.

A tear fell onto the picture.A knock interrupted her thoughts.Hesitant,she made her way to the door.She opened the door and he stood in the doorway.

"Todd......"The name left her lips.There he stood,in the pouring rain.

"Olive.....I'm so sorry I left you........"Olive didn't care she just wrapped her arms around his neck.She too was now in the pouring rain.Todd hugged her and sighed.

"Todd.....why are you back?I thought you went with Omera.You obviously-"Todd held a finger to her lips and smiled.

"I know what I said.I regret it.Please forgive me."Olive smiled and put her hand on Todd's shoulder.

"I forgive you."
Super short oneshot but I have been super busy so I haven't updated.

Btw I will soon publish some more Odd Squad books.Bye

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