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Ok so I'm sort of basing this oneshot off of @bella_bonkers 'Almost Lover' I like the oneshot so I am going to make it sort of like it.Ok read on or request.Also I cried in a corner when I realized that Sean gets hotter everyday.I mean how can a 14 year old be this sexy!!!!Is it just me or is sort of awkward when he takes pictures?In some pictures when he's at a premier he has his hands behind his back. :'( #Seanishot
"Why would you do that?!!!"

"I'm sorry!!!I didn't know that that would happen!!!"

Olive threw a glass beaker at the wall and glared at him."So you're saying that you had no clue that the creatures would be let out?!!!You're the scientist for pete's sake!!!"

Oscar looked down at his shoe and kicked the corner of a table."I'm sorry.I really am.I didn't know that Otto would make all the creatures loose."

"Oh.So you want me to believe that you had no idea?!!!Ugh,you're unbelievable.I'm done with you.I'm just so done.I am so glad that I am taking the job as a Ms.O because I won't have to see your face ever again."

Oscar took a step back and felt a lump in his throat.She'd gone too far.She had crossed the line.Oscar stood in front of her and looked down at her.In her eyes he saw regret,guilt,anger,and sadness.


"No.You said enough.You don't want to see me anymore so I'm going to some other work.I really hope you're happy with the job you're taking.Bye Olive."He placed a quick kiss on her cheek before walking out of the lab.

"Oscar....wait."She put her hand to her cheek.She called him once more.Too late.He was gone.She silently yelled at herself.While yelling at herself she accidentally knocked a box onto the ground.She got onto her kness and picked up the box.What was inside surprised her.

"What.....what is this?"Photo's of her and Oscar were in the box.Tickets of when they went to movies.At the very bottom,there was a picture of when they were 7.

Oscar was holding his teddy bear.Olive had her hair pulled back into a ponytail.They both sat on a bench at the town fair,smiling ear to ear.The whole squad had gotten passes for the fair that day and everyone went.Olive and Oscar had hung out the whole time.

Otto hadn't joined the squad at the time.Todd had been too busy wanting to win a prize at a game,so he practically ignored Olive.
When she turned the picture over,there was a sticky note stuck to the picture and had a paragraph written on it.

'Olive,I know we've been friends since we were 7.We have a lot of fun together and I like the fun things we do.On Saturday,it will be our 5 year anniversary as friends.And this weekend the town fair will be here,so will you meet me there?I have something to confess to you.
Love,your best friend.Oscar.'

He was going to give the note to Olive.Now,she messed up everything.She yelled many hurtful things at him.Would he ever forgive her?

"Olive?Are you-oh.Come on Olive we need to go."She turned to see Otto at the doorway.

"Yea.Ok.I'll go in a little.You go ahead to the lobby."He nodded and walked away.When he was gone,she put the picture back into the box and wrote something down.Moments later,she made her way to the lobby.

"Am I going to get a hug from you two?"They both hugged Ms.O.Oscar sat quietly on the stool of the tube operator.He watched Olive.Deep down he would miss her but she said it.She no longer wanted to see his face.

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