Olympia/Otis:Say It Again

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Otis had come to a realization.He liked his best friend.Even more then just a friend.But she didn't.He could see it in her eyes.She only saw him as a friend or someone to laugh with,not like type of person.It hurt him but he sucked it up.He would rather stay in the friend zone then be liking her and not knowing her.

She cried over him.Not Otis,though.She cried for the guy SHE liked,Ocean,but he was to focused on his creatures to even notice her.Oona had told him about Olympia liking him,but he only responded with a 'I think she's a sweet girl but I don't want a relationship at the moment.'

She had tried hiding her pain but Otis was the only one who wouldn't fall for it."He hurt you,right?"Otis pushed himself from his desk and stood up.Olympia grabbed his fist and tried settling him down,but he wouldn't budge."I'm gonna give him a lesson."

"Otis,please!!"Olympia have him puppy eyes,causing him to give in.He would do anything for her.Including not fight her crush,not matter how much he hated him."Thank you."She tried hiding her tears but,unfortunately,two single tears rolled down her cheeks and gave her away.

'I hate seeing you in this form.But you wouldn't understand how much I love you.'

He stepped up and embraced her.She buried her wet,sticky face into his chest and wrapped her arms around him.Both remained quiet,the only noise was of Olympia sniffling."You have no idea how much he means to me.But.......he doesn't see it!!"She exclaimed and sobbed.He had enough.He lifted her face a tad bit and smiled.

"He doesn't see your love for him.But I do."She gulped and lost herself in his eyes.Otis let a satisfied sigh escape his lips.Olympia blushed and leaned in to the point where their foreheads touched and their lips were mere inches away."You're my friend,I hate seeing you this way.Forget him."

Olympia forgot about Ocean,in an instant,and the only thing on her mind was Otis.He flooded her thoughts and she felt weird for a moment.She hadn't felt this feeling.Not even with Ocean,the butterfly in your stomach feeling.She leaned in and placed her lips onto his.

His lips were incredibly soft for a boy,not to mention had a hint of chocolate mint.Her lips were some what chapped but they had a strawberry flavor to them.Olympia melted away during the kiss and had no idea why or what made her act the way she was acting.

No.I can't do this......Otis is my friend.I can only see him as my friend...Or can I?

She pushed away,ashamed at herself and mad at Otis but mainly mad at herself.Otis blushed.He then frowned and straightened his suit."Sorry...."He looked away and had a tint of sadness in his eyes,which he quickly hid with a smile.

Olympia shook her head in denial and tried reaching out for him but only got pushed away as a response."Otis,"Her voice shook at the release of his name."I like you,but only as a friend."She blushed and watched him leave.

Otis tried his best to push her away,but couldn't.Her voice trailed behind as he walked towards the tube lobby.

"You just gave me my first kiss......"

He felt guilty.He took her first kiss with out asking or thinking about it.Some part in him,didn't regret it but he still felt bad.She only liked him as a friend.

Once Otis reached the tube lobby,he didn't turn back.He only kept looking forward.He wanted to be surprised,to see the bubbly girl running towards him with a look on her face,the look she always had when she wanted to talk things out.But she didn't.

"O'Flynn,please take me to my home."Olympia ran as fast as her legs could carry her.But when she reached him,he had already been launched.She fell to her knees and started slamming her fists onto the floor.

"I'll take you you where he is,"The tube operator,a red headed girl,spoke up giving Olympia a smug look."Just get in."

Olympia did as she was told.I'm dumb.How was I not able to see his love for me?Now I might lose him.

"PREPARING TO SQUISHINATE!!"O'Flynn pressed the necessary buttons and smiled knowing she was doing a good deed."SQUISHINATING!!"

Otis ran out and was welcomed with spraying water,(rain),to his face.He wiped his face with his sleeve,not helping since his back had begun to get wet as well,and begun walking.

Way to go.First,kiss Olympia.Then,you forget your umbrella.Great day for you,Otis!!

He continued walking,his home being five blocks away.Otis would slur some words to himself every now and then,but he just couldn't help himself to get the words off his mind.Pattering,almost scared the living daylight out of him.

He saw a small auburn girl running his way,at full speed.Otis shook his head and remained standing,his arms crossed in pure disagreement."Why are you here?"He finally had spoken to her once she was face to face with him.

"I......"Olympia tossed her wet ponytail over her shoulder and looked at Otis through her rain covered glasses."I don't know why you would kiss me.You just ran off before I could ask."
She stood up straight,she wanted him to know that she wasn't willing to take anything from anyone today.Or ANY day."Why?"

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!I love you with all my heart,you don't see it because you're too busy trying with Ocean that you.....you don't even see my admiration towards you."Otis sighed.

"W-what?"Her eyes burned with tears and her lip trembled as the words escaped her mouth.She didn't know what to do.He told her,he loved her.Maybe it was a joke.Maybe it was a game.Either way,she couldn't believe it."R-really?"

She tugged on his soaking wet sleeve."Let go."He said in a soft voice.He looked away not wanting his friend to see him in tears."Please.Let me go."Olympia wanted to scream for him to stay but she knew she had to do what he wanted.So,she let go.And she watched him disappear into the dark rainy path.

"Wait.....please......"She began crying.She wanted him to repeat himself once more.She wanted to hear him say those three words over again.'I love you.'

She screamed and pleaded for him to come back,but he wouldn't.He was only walking away.Away from everything.Away from life.Away from HER.

The end.Yep.Hate me and all but you know deep down you love me.I might make a part two.Idk.It depends.Be sure to check out 'Agent Ohana'!!!

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