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"Hey Otis,how's it going?"
Otis,as usual,was enjoying his lunch out of his sack at his desk.
"It's great!!I'm thinking on asking out a girl."
Olympia,who secretly had a crush on Otis,grew a bit jealous but a little curious.
"Well who is this lucky girl?"
Otis smiled and stopped munching on his peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
"Someone who I've known since I began working here in Odd Squad."
Ok.It had to be Olympia.Who else could it be?Both have known eah other since they both got recruited to take Olive and Otto's places.
"Is she really nice and really pretty?"
Otis blushed a bit and went back to eating his sandwich,bite after bite after bite.Funny thing was that he was eating his food so small it looked like he was nibbling it.
"Yes.In my opinion,she is."
Yep it was Olympia,she was pretty,nice,and funny.In her opinion.
"Otis,tell me who it is!!Please!!I can keep a secret."Olympia was pleading,she just had to know who Otis' had a crush on.She secretly knew it was her but she wanted to hear it from him.
Otis remained quiet and only kept staring at his lunch.
"Otis!!Tell me!!"
The blonde rubbed the back of his neck and awkwardly opened his mouth.
"It's Oona.I really like Oona and I want to ask her out.Do you think I should?"
That was the noise that Olympia's heart made when Otis said his crush was Oona.Man,who knew heartbreak was the worst pain?
"Oh....uh...y-yea....you should totally,"Olympia lowerd her voice to a whisper,trying to keep her tears in."ask her out.You two aere meant to be."She stopped talking and pushed her glasses up.
"Howdy doo,agents!!"
Olympia gritted her teeth when she heard the unexpected voice approaching them.
"My friend Oona!!"
Olympia plastered on a fake smile and hugged Oona.Otis definitely deserved a girl like Oona,she was nice,funny,sometimes outgoing,and a total sweetheart.Yet she
could get off track from time to time.
"Oona,can I ask you something?"
Olympia bit her lip and stopped hugging Oona.
"Sure.Go right on ahead."
Oona had used her singy songy voice when she answered.
"What.....what would you say if....if,"
Otis rubbed his forearm and glanced at Olympia.He sent her a look that said,Should I really ask her?
Yes!!Ask her!!You like her a lot.
Olympia smiled,to show him that she was sure about what she was saying.
Please don't do it.I love you.
Otis covered up his mouth and began turning from pale to a dark red.
"Oh.....yes.I will go out with you.I really like you Otis."
Olympia cleared her throat and placed her hand on the edge of the desk.
"I have to go.I'll be right back."
Olympia ran down the hall and into the tube lobby.
"O'Malley,send me home."
Instead of ending up home,she came out 3 blocks away from her street.
Thuder cracked in the sky and rain began pouring really hard.The sky made her day even worse.
Why did you ask her out?
Don't you know how much I love you?
I have always loved you.
I hate you.I love you.I hate that I want you,you want her.
You need her.....and...I'll never be her.
Olympia kept running down the,now dark and slippery,street.
All alone I watch you watch her,like
She's the only girl you've ever seen.
Yea,all alone I watch you watch her.
She is the only thing thing you've ever seen.
Olympia tripped and fell into a puddle.
You don't care you never did.
You don't give a damn about me!!
You never have cared for me or for my feelings.
You only want Oona!!
Olympia slapped her hand on the puddle and cried even harder.
She arrived home and locked herself in her room,after drying herself off and wrapping a towel around her hair.
To:Agent Otis, OtisBlake@Oddmail.com
From:Agent Olympia, OlympiaPerez@Oddmail.com

Hey Otis, well.....I know that you asked out Oona but I want you to know that I have had a crush on you since we met.And...I hurts me to know that you and Oona are together,but Oona is my friend so...I just am happy for both of you.I really hope you two are happy with one another.I love you.

Should I send it?
Olympia let her hair fall out of her towel and looked over her email once more.It was ready.
She clicked the send button and slipped into her bed.
"I love you Otis....."She closed her eyes and began to cry until she fell asleep.
1 new email from Agent Olympia
Otis read over the message and sighed.
"I love you too Olympia......."
Might be a part two.Idk.Depends on if you guys want a second part.This is my new way of writing the oneshots.
I honestly was so happy when I saw the new OS episodes.
●------●《Baymax :)

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