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I take it back.

I take everything back.

Every single word I ever said to her,I take it back.

I never meant to hurt her with those words.

Now,she's walked out on me and I can't help to think that it's all my fault.But it is.

How did I not open my eyes and realize that she was THE ONE?How blind was I that I never realized her love for me and my love for her?

She walked out.

I keep thinking she'll walk through the door any minute and it'll be my chance to tell her how much of an idiot I was.

It's only a fantasy.It's only a dream.

She'll never come back to me.

My Olympia has left me.

A couple of days later.
I saw her.

I saw her walk past me in the Oddbucks I go to.

She got her usual,a caramel frappé.

When she saw me,she just gave me a shy smile and avoided eye contact with me.I realize how much I hurt her if she doesn't even want to see me.


I had gotten to hear her sweet,soothing voice once again.She even joined me for coffee.


She awkwardly sipped away on her frozen drink but she couldn't help but keep staring me straight in the eyes.

"Why....why'd you do it?"

I closed my eyes and shook my head.She couldn't know.She couldn't know that I only did it because I was afraid of losing her.

But I did.I lost her,forever.

"I don't know......I......I never meant to hurt you."

"But you did."

"And I feel bad about it."

She gave me a sad smile and threw her strawberry hair over her shoulder.I remember giving her the nickname, 'Strawberry',because her hair somehow reminded me of strawberries

"Then why'd you do it?"

I got a quick glimpse of her eyes and felt the lump come back in my throat,stopping me from telling her the truth.It was like I was forbidden to tell her.

Her eyes twinkled with her tears being held back and the light hitting them.I didn't like it when she cried or when she was anything but happy.

"I don't know....."

She looked down at her phone and sighed.

"When you know where to find me.Bye,Otis."

She stood up,giving me a pity look,before sighing and walking out of the coffee shop.

And like that,I watched her leave me.

How I missed her.I missed her giggles,her laugh,her voice.

I kept looking at her until I saw no more of her strawberry hair when she turned the corner.

I mentally slapped myself.

I had the chance to explain to her.....but I messed it up.I felt the glance of a tan girl.

I knew who that girl was,I just didn't want to look into her eyes and see what she had been wanting to tell me for so long,'Don't mess with her heart.'

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