Snowed In-OliveXOtto

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Its a chappie for my good friend @potatochiwawa01!!Go read her story.☺
Otto's POV
"Well.....I'm going to go see her......wait up for me?"
I looked over my shoulder and sighed.
"Or don't?Whatever you wanna do."

I shut the door and ran down the stairs.I had to get to Oprah.She had to tell the truth.SHE was the one who kissed ME.I still didn't understand how Olive walked in at the same time Oprah kissed me.

I slammed my car door and drove to Oprah's home.

Oprah's POV
Yes.I lied.But....I didn't want her to end our friendship for something stupid that I did.I thought she would believe me if I told her that it had been Otto who had kissed me,and she did.Yet,she still hasn't spoken a word to Otto since then.

I understand that what I did was idiotic.I still have the memory crystal clear in my mind.

I couldn't take the jealousy anymore.I liked Otto.I had a huge crush on him and know in that he had asked out my best friend made me definitely jealous.

I wanted him for me.He had to be mine!!But I knew that it would either be my friendship with Olive or his relationship with her.

I rushed through the people and looked for him.I finally spotted him at the entrance of the school.He had been talking to Otis but I had gotten between them.

"Hey,Otto.Can I talk to you alone?"
I raised an eyebrow at Otis.Almost in a way that I meant,'Get lost or else.'

"Sure.I'll see you later,bro."
He turned to look at me and smiled.
"What's up,Opr-"

I grabbed his hands,put them on my waist,and slammed my lips against his.

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