Silly Mistakes~ToddXOlive

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"Ms.O,this was received at the Odd Squad Academy."

"Thank you."She opened up the small binder and let out a gasp when she saw what it contained.It was an application from one of her best agents,who later left because he wanted to cause oddness.But now he wanted to be good?




Reasons why you want to be in Odd Squad:I realized that I made many mistakes and I want to make up for that.


Who recommended you:N/A.

Ms.O massaged her forehead while letting out a sigh.She looked at Oscar,who was the one that brought the application to her.

"What do you think,Ms.O?"

"People deserve second chances.So why not?"Ms.O pulled out a stamp from her desk and pressed it onto the file.In big red letters it read,'APPROVED'

"No!!That's weird.Eating a doughnut with pizza flavored filling is disgusting."Olive and Otto were arguing as they returned from their lunch break.

"It's not weird.Just try it."


"But-"Otto noticed that Olive was now facing the top of the stairs,where Odd-erm Todd was standing with Oscar and Ms.O shaking hands while he wore an agents uniform.

"Woah.When did Todd get here?"Olive had suddenly felt as if she had been hit by a truck.Her insides had crashed.

"I'm sorry....I have to go."Without leaving an explanation to Otto,she ran into the closest restroom and took long,deep breathes.

"Thank you Opr-I mean Ms.O.I really appreciate this second chance."Todd put his badge onto the empty space on his suit.He missed it so much.

"No problem.Now go get settled at your desk."She gave give him a smile.He took the slide and almost ran into Otto when he got to the bottom.

"Oh.Sorry Otto.Didn't see you.Um....have you seen Olive?"

"Yea.She just ran off but I have no clue to where."Otto tucked his hands into his pockets and looked around.

"I-Maybe I should go look for her."Todd patted Otto's back and began his search for Olive.

" can't be back.That......that trader can't be back.He hurt me a lot and now seeing him again hurts me even more."Olive looked at herself in the mirror.


"I'm sorry Scribbles.I can't hide it anymore."He grabbed Olive by her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"No.Todd you just can't do this.You know the one rule of Odd Squad.'Do no-"

"Do no odd.Yea I know.I only stayed for you Olive.I cared for you."Olive looked down at her shoes while the wind bkew her hair in her face.

"I......Todd...have you fully thought this through?"


"And you're positive you want to become......this?"Todd saw Olive's eyes twinkle,as they had started to get watery.

"I'm positive."The tear she had been holding back,fell down her cheek.

"Don't cry Scribbles.Please don't."Her head was bowed down and her hair was in her face.He left one hand on her shoulder while removing a loose piece of hair from her face.

"It's just that...I don't want you to go.Please don't go."Todd shoke his head.

"I can't.I made my choice.I hurt you already.I made you afraid of pie and now I should go."He looked all around and then back at Olive."Look at me."

Olive raised her head towards him.Their eyes met for a while.The earth seemed to have stop for them.Their heads slowly leaning towards each other umtil their lips were connected.

It wasn't a full on make out kiss but it wasn't a plain kiss.It was gentle and sweet but was short.As sweet as your first kiss could be.Once they pulled away,Todd gave Olive one last hug before walking away.

End of flashback

Olive raised one hand to her lips and stroked them.Her first kiss was with her crush.Her partner.And used to be enemy.Was it right to forgive him and move on?Or forgive him yet love him still?

She did what she wanted for a long time.She brushed a losse strand of hair and walked out into the hall.

"Hey have you seen Olive?"Todd ran up to Orchid.

"No.Wait....yea I saw her a cew seconds ago.She went that way."Orchid pointed to her right and went back to playing with her dinosaurs.

Olive continued to walk down the hall when she heard footsteps close to her.When she turned around,it was Todd.Both of them were at each end of the hall.They finally broke eye contact when Todd ran to Olive,pulling the smaller girl into a hug.



They were both in each other's arms and it didn't matter who saw them.

"Todd...why-why did you come back?"Todd pulled away and kicked a corner of the wall.

"I realized that I did pretty silly things.And I mostly joined again...because I realized I fell in love with you."Olive stood there amazed,not knowing what to say.

"Me?You came back just for me?"Todd rubbed the back of his neck and gave a shy smile.

"Yes."Olive bursted into a smile and began to hug Todd.

"You want to go catch up.You know go eat some lunch?"

"Sure.I already had my break but Ms.O will probably understand."The two started walking away.Smiling ear to ear and holding each other's hand.
@Iliketoesubdjb I really hope you like this. And @Lilkitten45 I am currently working on yours still.Please forgive me I've just been so busy.

P.S. that picture is the cover for my next Odd Sqiad book,which I will probably publish around October or maybe the finals of September.Idk.

QOTD:What is your favorite oneshot of this book so far?
AOTD:Probably 'Last Time' or 'Us'

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