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Olympia let out a deep breathe and looked at the judge.Her eyes then flickered to the crowd and she saw the familiar eyes that said 'You can do it.I believe in you.'She gave a side smile and made her focus back to the judge.

"Young lady,your word is 'Father'."

Olympia nodded and started spelling."M-O-T-H-E-R.Father."She gave one look at the familiar eyes and looked at the judge,who removed his glasses and covered his eyes.

"I'm sorry.But...that is incorrect."Olympia shook her head and looked at everyone in the crowd,who where all talking to each other.It was obvious that they were all confused.

"No.The correct spelling is M-O-T-H-E-R.Father."She crossed her arms and glared at the judge.

"Young Lady.That I-"

"Incorrect.I know."Olympia stepped back in front of the microphone and cleared her throat."A father is supposed to be there for his children.Care for them.And love them....not leave a seedling alone for only one parent to raise them."

Olympia sighed and took her number off and threw it onto the stage floor."A mother shouldn't breast feed their baby with one hand,have her cell phone on her ear,cook with her other hand,broom the floor with one hand,and tie shoelaces with her mouth."

Olympia pulled her hair into a ponytail and let out a groan."If you want the definition of dead beat.Then here it is.A person who isn't responsible for something of theirs.That sir,is the definition of dead beat.And if you want the correct spelling then you will have it!!F-a-t-h-e-r.That is the correct spelling of dead beat."

The judge placed his glasses back on and his frown softened."Not everyone in this world has two parents.From where I come from,I was taught to appreciate what I have.I learned from pasts.Someone once told me 'As long as you have love,you have everything.'And I love that person so much.If it weren't for them,I wouldn't be standing here."

She fought back tears but with all her might,she tried containing them just to end her speech."My father is sitting in that audience,cheering me on and telling me to follow my dream.They tell me to never give up and that they love me....."Olympia paused for a moment and searched the crowd for the familiar eyes."......and I love her too.I love her with all my might.And for me,she has been my friend.My sister.My mother....and my father."

The young woman smiled and sent Olympia a smile."If you think that all kids are happy just because they have both parents.....then you are wrong.I know I'm happy with my father/mother."She walked off the stage and walked to her mother.

"Let's go home,mommy."Her mother gave her a kiss on her forehead and walked down the aisle with her.

"I love you babycakes."Olympia's mom ran her hand through the girls hair.

"I love you too mommy.Thank you for everything."
So many kids in the world grow up without a father.And......sadly I'm one of them.I have a father but he's never in my life......he only comes into my life when I have done something wrong or to talk about my grades.

My mommy has done everything for me.And I mean everything.I really hope you enjoyed this oneshot.

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