Singer ~Ohana(Reader)XOtto

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So from now on when you guys read one of my Xreader chapters your name will be Ohana ok?Or if you like I could use Y/N(your name).Anyway this is a chapter from my OttoXReader book that I worked on.Idk should I make an Odd SquadXReader book or just OttoXReader?

Comment please.



You paced back and forth.Your dream had been to become a singer.And this was what it got you to.Having your first concert.
In front of your fans.

Meaning millions of faces.

That would judge you.

You dug your nails into your skin and pulled on your skirt.It was your concert attire.

A skirt with a light violet pullover sweatshirt and with nude colored shoes.

People had like your song 'Trap Of Love',which you had written after your ex rudely dumped you the day of your fifteenth birthday.Luckily,your best friend was there for you.He had been by your side since the first day of kindergarten.

It's funny how he had also wanted to be your bodyguard.Secretly,he wanted to be closer to you because he was in love with you.

A auburn girl,with a headset on her head,headed towards you.The girl?

She was your sister.Olympia.

You looked at her and bit your lip.


"Your on in 5."


You looked back down at your flats and pouted.You heard footsteps walking towards you but you thought it was Olympia until you realized it was just your best friend,Otto.

"You afraid,fam?"
You gave out a little giggle.Fam was your nickname on account of your name meaning family in Hawaiian.


"Why was that a question?"
You covered up your faced,sighing.

"Yes.....I'm afraid."


You wrapped your arms around yourself and shifted the curtain a bit to the side.

"I'm scared of what they might think of me....what if they don't like me?What if they don't think of me good?Or wh-"
He waved his hand and placed it down almost saying it was no big deal.

"Your song is amazing.what girl hasn't felt that what you talk about in the song?"

You softly nodded and glanced at him.


"So then go out there and wing it!!"
You facepalmed yourself and glared at him.

"You say that like I'm going to take a test that I didn't study for!"
Both you and Otto bursted out into fits of laughter.
"I don't know what I would do without you."

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