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"Agent Otis,in my office.NOW!!"You cringed in your very spot you sat in.Was it too late to quit?No.All this hardwork finally payed off for you to get to be an agent.You couldn't just give up.

"Ms.O,you wanted"He barely finished his sentence when he saw you turn around in your seat to face him.He stared right at your big [E/C].You,as well,kept looking at his blue eyes.Ms.O interrupted by clearing her throat.

"Agent Otis,would you mind showing Agent Ohana around?"Otis gently nodded his head and looked back at you.

"Yes ma'am.Please follow me Agent Ohana."You quickly stood upa nd followed the blonde out of the office.Ms.O happily went back to sipping her juice.You both went down the stairs very very quietly.You could've even heard a pin drop,if there was one dropped."Ohana?Is that a special name?"He had finally gotten the nerve to speak up.

You,being the shy and quiet person you were,quietly nodded."I-it means family.I don't really like being called Ohana,I prefer [Y/N]"You shoved your hands into your pockets as the two of you walked past the Pasta Room.

"[Y/N]?Is that your nickname?"He raised an eyebrow and gave you,what seemed to be,a smirk.

"Yes and no.My middle name is Ohana but since my name didn't start with an O I had to use my middle name."You tugged on a loose hair.It was true.The superintendents told you that your name would have to begin with an 'O'.You either used your middle name or you couldn't join.So that's what you did,changed your name to 'Ohana'.

"That's.......very cool?"It sounded more like a question than a statement but you decided to let it slide.A girl about his height and with auburn hair came rushing from behind him.

"Otis,I have to go with Oona to-Who is she?"The girl stopped in front of him and looked at you.Another girl,a brunette,came from behind her and smiled at you.

"[Y/N]!!!!Oh my goodness!!Long time no see!!!"The brunette threw her arms around you as you did the same.It was Oona,your life long best friend.Both of you went to the Academy together but Oona was accepted first and you hadn't seen her since then.

"Oona!!"You continued hugging the girl and continued smiling.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"Otis and the auburn girl looked at each other,clearly confused.Very confused.

"Well me and [Y/N] w-"You stopped her halfway so you could tell her about your name change.

"It's actually Ohana now."You gave her a giant smile and let her continue.

"Oh,they fixed that?That's so great!!Have you talked to-nevermind.As I was saying,me and Ohana went to the Academy together and immediately became best friends.We separated because I began working here and she remained at the Academy.We hadn't seen each other until today."Oona grabbed her lab coat,the way she always did,and looked at the auburn girl."You met Otis.This is Olympia!!Olympia meet Ohana."

Olympia put on a smile and stuck her hand out."Nice to meet you,Ohana!!Your name means 'family' right?"You shook her hand and gently nodded your head.

"Yes."You did dare ask her how she knew that.

"Oona,we have to go solve those cases.Ohana,it was nice meeting you but I must go.Hope Mr.Serious won't annoy you."She let out a laugh and you almost,almost,let out a big laugh but you contained it.

"Bye Ohana,we'll talk when I come back."Oona head towards,what seemed to be,the tube lobby.You noticed that Olympia and Otis were talking a few feet away from where you stood.

Only thing you could do was looked at your bright red Converse,your personal Odd Squad uniform,and you badge phone.'86' it read.You smiled to yourself and looked around.

"Sorry,Olympia was telling me about the case they were off to solve."You gave him a toothy grin.

"It's ok....w-what's the case they're going to solve?"He rubed the back of his neck and rocked on his heels."if you can tell me."

"Some people were turning into dogs in town."Both of you were staring into each other's eyes,again,until Ms.O walked onto the balcony and screamed at the top of her lungs.

"OHANA!!OTIS!!IN MY OFFICE,NOW!!"In a blink of an eye,you two were in her office,discussing your first case.A wild herd of businessman were on the loose.

"Well,what are you waiting for?GO!!"

"O'Hare,send us to 8th Oak Street."You pulled your [H/L] into a ponytail(or adjusted it if you have short hair).You were very happy to solve your first case.Not to mention with yor new crush.

"What......*yawn*"You stretched and slumped onto a chair.You cautiously watched Otis get a cup of water,your eyes felt very heavy.It took you and Otis a long time to capture the businessman.

"1:25 in the morning."You groaned and closed your eyes.

""Otis turned around,confused since you didn't finish your sentence.He smiled when he saw your limp,sleeping figure.

"You'll need to get used to it."He whispered into your ear as he picked you up and took you to the Pillow Room.Otis placed you and a pile of pillows and put one on your head."Goodnight."He took of your shoes and his,as well,before giving you a quick peck on the cheek and laying in a pile himself.

Even though you were half asleep,you smiled and fell into a deep slumber.
_______________________________________________________________________ *dodges pitchforks*


Olive:*tries not to laugh*Calm down partner.

Oscar:Hey guys!!

Hehe.He-Oscar took my line.

Oscar:it's actually my line.

Whatever.Hey loves!!How are you?!!So my first XReader in this book.Please don't hate ^_^

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