Oren/Reader: Odette

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You and Oren had been working together for over a month,the time Olaf had been getting tested,and you two had gotten very close.He would flirt with you while you would make a comeback to insult him,nonetheless you loved the flirts.You knew it was bad to love someone who was a fellow coworker but also was in a relationship outside of work.

He had a picture of them on his desk.A girl with black hair and light brown ends with green eyes.A girl with dimples and whos smile was so contagious it made you feel happy for him to find someone like her but also as if you were just waiting your time trying to get his attention.

"It's no use....."You quietly mumbled everyday when you saw him joyfully walking towards his wooden desk.

He greet with a insult than a hug.But today,today was no ordinary day for his greetings was unusual than every other time.It was the day of your birthday,something you had commented several weeks before,and he had decided to cover your eyes to later on reveal a dozen of your favorite flowers.

"Happy Birthday."He smiled and didn't hesitate one second before giving them to you.

"Thanks so much,Or-"His vision had gone from you to something else.Something you hadn't expected and it caused your stomach to completely flop.His smile disappeared.

You turned your head and caught a glance of the familiar ombre color you had seen in the frame that Oren had.She turned,a folder in her hand,and a smile taking over her face.Tears filled her eyes as she walked to Oren.


"Odette?"The girl ran to him and jumped into a hug.You suddenly wanted to become invisible and hope that she didn't get a glance of you.His smile didn't fade throughout their reunion.You,however,got up and walked away.

"I just wanted to surprise you by joining!!Now we can be together!!"Her squeals brought you even more down than what you already were.

As you walked away,you couldn't help but feel bummed.You had actually thought he liked you but it seemed like his statement on having a girlfriend,was true.

It had been too late.She had won Oren,and his love.You had lost.He would only remain as a friend.

~Days later~

"Why have you been ignoring me?"He turned to you with a small scowl.His eyes were still glued onto Odette as she walked up to Ms.O's office."Do you something against her?"

You didn't look up from your yogurt,nor from your paperwork."No.I just don't want to be getting between you and her."Letting that statement slip,a lump formed in your throat.It didn't help except make you want to cry even more.

"But-"You turned and looked at him.You gave him a sad smile but it was obvious in your eyes that you felt completely sad.Your eyes fought back the stinging tears.

"Oren,I hope you are happy with Odette.You deserve her.....and.....and she deserves you."He shifted his weight onto his foot and watched you mess around to find your papers.

"(Y/N),"He grabbed onto your arm and twirled you around.Your eyes were lined up with his and you could see your reflection on his glasses.He placed his arm around your waist and leaned in."I'm breaking up with her......I love you more."

He pressed his lips against yours and gave a meaningful kiss.You broke it up as soon as papers were thrown onto the floor and a loud gasp forced everyone to be on you and Oren.Your cheeks suddenly began to flush.The look in Odette's eyes made you feel bad for your decision.

Whispers began,Ms.O could tell.She had to sort this out before any chaos broken between two of her loyal agents.

"All three of you,in my office.NOW!!!"As fast as your legs could carry you,you ran up to her office and sat down on the leather couch.

All three of you sat down,not looking at each other or even mumbling a word.

"(Y/N),Oren.Care to explain to Odette and me what in Zesus' name happened down there?"Oren eyed the crying girl then back at Ms.O.His face flushed with guilt and embarrassment.

"It was all me!!I made him....kiss me."You stood up and looked down at Ms.O.You were slightly taller than her but you still had to look down upon her.Your boss let her mouth fall open.

"Agent....if it was Oren,th-there's no need to cover it up."You shook your head and clutched your fists.

"It was all me Ms.O.I promise."Odette looked up at you through her fingers and stared in amusement.

"(Y/N),just because I'm here....doesn't mean you have to defend someone as selfish as Oren."You still insisted that it was all you.

If it meant keeping her from thinking that you were a bad person,you would admit it was you.

"Let's just drop it."All three of your head snapped as you all looked back at her in utter shock.Her face had a small smile on."I think it's clear that Oren and (Y/N) are meant to be."


"Oren,I see how you look at her.I hope you two end up happy forever."She truly sounded sincere.She walked out of the office with a smile on her face."I really do."

The end.

Do I hear a part three?Or maybe an alternative ending?Tell me what you think.

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