Olympia/Otis+Ohana/Ortega:Reason(Pt 1)

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Omg omg.There is an Otis look alike in my school!!!His name is Colton but he's a sophomore.He has Otis' hair and they look so much alike!!I also saw an Olympia look alike with him!!They are friends too!!!I'll try to snatch a picture of him.

"There you two are.Something very odd has happened."Olympia and Otis both looked at their boss with pure curiosity in mind."It has to do with Ohana......Kilimnik."

Olympia gasped as Otis fell to the ground,fainting from the nerve wrecking news.(Nah.Just kidding.)Both agents looked from Ms.O back to each other for a couple of seconds before covering their mouths in shock.

"It seems she has gone.....odd......never thought I would have to use those words with a great agent ever again."Ms.O shook her head and faced her screen,pressing her remote to show the case."She seems to have made nachos take flight and cover each and every house with cheese.I need you two to work with Ortega to bring her back here."

Olympia didn't look up.She had known Ohana very well,she had even said that she never even had a thought of causing oddness.It just wasn't something that satisfied her.Oddness was like listening to an adult babble on about how amazing coffee was.Ohana always told Olympia everything.But maybe she had her own little secret."I know she's your friend,Olympia,but it would be the best choice to have her clear herself and explain why she did what she did."

A light knock interrupted the kids from continuing their conversation."Ms.O?"They looked up to see an agent that,some what,represented/looked similar to agent Opium.(If you don't know who Opium or Ortega or Ohana are,go read agent Ohana.The story of my OC)"I just came to see if the backup was ready yet.So we can get......Ohana....."The boy's face hit the ground in complete depression.

"Ortega,this is your back up.Agents Olympia and Otis meet Ortega."The boy gave a small wave but flicked his brunette hair back into its place.His bluebell eyes glistened when he raised his head,the reflection of the lights aiming at him.

"Nice to meet you agents."He turned to his boss and closed his eyes slowly."Ms.O,may I speak to you alone?"He avoided the stares of both Olympia and Otis.They understood though.They knew he suffered from his partners sabotage.

"Sure."Ms.O pulled out a twisty straw and poked it right through her brand new Guava Papaya Juice.

The agents closed the door behind as they left.They didn't want to seem nosy but they couldn't help themselves and listened in to their conversation.

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