Should've said sorry~ToddXOlive

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Rant at bottom
Btw,Olive is 17 and Todd is 18.
"Todd!!I am so happy!!!"Todd looked up at Olive.She must be really happy to be skipping around the flat.She also a letter in her hand."Why?Did you get free tickets for one of Coach Roberts' games?"

Olive paused and frowned."No.I wish.Buuuutt I did get a letter."She skipped to Todd and gave him a small kiss on the lips."'ll still love me even if........if I get accepted to Harvard,right?"Todd stood up and looked away.Both had agreed that she'd said an application to Shmumber School,a small but great college.

"Y-yea but remember we both agreed you'd send an application to-"Olive sighed and traced the edge of the chocolate brown table.

"I know but they haven't responded."Her voice turned from happiness to sadness."Todd you said you would support me with my choice.You said that you were happy as long as I was happy.Did you lie to me?"

Todd remained silent,avoiding eye contact with Olive.He had so much on his mind that he didn't even remember what he had said."Todd....I'm asking you a question.Did you lie to me?!Did none of this mean anything to you?Were you just treating like one of your toys?Were-"


Olive cupped her hands over her cheek.Todd had now turned around to face her but was a dark red and frowning."No.YOU were the one that lied to ME.You told me we would be together.Now we can't since you're going to Harvard."He crossed his arms and glared at Olive.

Holding back her tears,she put her shyly rubbed her forearm."W-what are you trying to say?That we can't work out if I go to Harvard?We can work something out!!"

Todd shook his head and slammed his hands onto the dinning room table."No....long distance relationships don't work out.We shouldn't be together if you're going far away."Olive was fighting back her tears with all her strength.

"So what you're saying is that you no longer want to be with me?"Todd didn't look at her.Throughout the whole argument,he didn't even look at Olive.Not even once."You know,that we only had to have hope for our love to stay balanced but it's clear you don't want to be with me anymore."

Todd turned around to only see a white wall and heard footsteps upstairs,walking all around.Olive had a bag packed,just in case Todd ever went berserk.Today was the day she'd have to use that bag.Angrily,she walked down the steps and gave Todd one last look before she slammed the door and disappeared into the crowd of people.

Todd had finally pushed out the many thoughts out of his brain and had an open mind about what he wanted to do.Just as he finished thinking,he heard the door slam.

He turned his head towards the front door and ran to it."OLIVE!!"His scream echoed through the whole street.Todd decided to do the only thing he could think of.Look for her.

He had been looking for her for over an hour and didn't find her anywhere.He kept calling and calling her phone over and over again but it just took him to voicemail.

Olive looked down at her phone.

34 missed calls from Todd

"The flight to California is now arriving all passengers please report to gate 3.Thank you."Olive sighed and turned her cell phone off.

She handed her suitcase to the stewardess and took her seat.Clouds began to turn gray and all she could think of was Todd.

"Don't worry......we made a promise to each other that we'd get married......"Olive and Todd said the same sentence at the same time but in different places."We will eventually find each other again and we will get married....but for now.......I'm sorry..."Tears rolled down each of their faces.

A year went by or was it two?Olive had met a nice boy and eventually got engaged to him but no matter what,she always thought about Todd.

"'re engaged now?"Todd looked down at the small diamond engagement ring.He tried swallowing the lump that had built up in his throat.

"Yea....."She rubbed the back of her neck and look at his ring finger."You're also engaged?"She tried giving him a small and sincere smile but behind the smile was pain.

"I'm married,to be correct."Her smile got a little bigger,which meant her pain was a bit bigger.

"We broke our promise to each other then......funny......"She laughed a bit and so did Todd.Both laughs were very nervous and fake.

"Yea I guess we did......."Todd sipped his tea very,very slowly and stared into Olive's eyes.Her fiancé,Otto,walked up from behind her and tapped her shoulder.

"Shall we get going?"Otto picked up her purse and jacket and was escorting her to the front door.

"Well....I'll see you around.Maybe come to the wedding.Bye."Todd watched as she walked out of the cafe,holding Otto's hand but she kept staring back at him.

Todd let a stray tear out and quickly wiped it off.He realized his mistake.

"Why didn't I just say sorry?If I did we would still be together and we'd be happily married to one another.I....I should've said you're gone from me....."
I cried writing this.Anyone else cry reading it?
I just want to cry rn.
My 'best friend' has been flirting with my crush and....and it just hurts......rn I feel like quitting Wattpad and just cry forever.....but I stay on because of my readers.....but I just hate my best friend rn....I want to run away from my problems.But you can't run away from problems.

Why are people fake?Don't they know being fake hurts?She even gave him her number.I ran out of the class that day,crying and crying because of how much I hated her.I can't even tell her anything because my other friend and her cousin have beef and they might think I'm choosing sides.She tells me to deal with it.

I just hate my life rn.....I can't even.......I feel crappy......I just want to quit Wattpad but at the same time I don't.

Sorry for ranting.....Vote,Comment,Share.

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