Stuck Up~OliveXOtto

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"Ugh.Get away from me!!Mom!!Why do we have to live in this smelly apartment complex?!"The six year old glared at a tall tan boy.

"Olive,sweetie,go play with the neighbor's son.Me and your father will unpack.We'll call you when it's time for dinner."Olive was about to burst into a tantrum but her dad got in between.

"Olive,quit acting so spoiled.We moved here so you could stop acting that way.Now listen to your mom and go play."Olive slouched and walked away.

"Olive....that's your name?"Olive turned around and the tall boy still followed her.She crossed her arms across her chest.She wore a small crop top that read 'Daddy's little girl' and short shorts with some black Vans.

"You?Why do you keep following me everywhere?!Are you a stalker?"The boy took a step back and his bottom lip quivered.

"I'm sorry......."His voice was below a whisper.Olive's scowl changed into a small smile.

"I'll play with you.But what fun do you have here in this place?"The boy grabbed her hand and led her to a small creek.

"I like to look at it."Olive turned to the boy and looked him up and down.

"What's your name?"

"Otto...."She faced the creek again and smiled.Otto pushed her to the creek,making her shoes get wet.

"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!!"Olive glared at Otto and stepped out of the shallow water.Otto walked over to the deep end and grabbed a stick to poke the bottom of it.

Out of nowhere,Olive let out a war scream and pushed Otto into the deep water.

"NEVER PUSH ME IN WATER!!"Otto swam up and let out a laugh.

"Whatever the queen orders."Olive rolled her eyes and looked at the bottom of the creek.

"How long have you lived here?You know,this apartment complex."

"I've lived here since I was born."Olive sat down on a rock and looked at Otto.She set her chin on her hand and looked at the creek.

"How old are you?"

"You ask a lot of questions,you know?I'm four."Olive's eyes widened.This boy didn't look 4 or even 3.He looked 7 or 9.

"Woah.Are you for real?"The boy nodded and threw a rock into the pond.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 6.You know you look like you're seven or nine."Otto let out a small laugh and brushed his hair out of his face.

"I'm tall for my age...."He looked the other direction and let out a sigh."Why did your family move here?"

"I-Well...they saw I act too spoiled."She stayed quiet for a hit and even thought that she heard a branch break from far away."They said that I need to appreciate things I have.Some don't even have things like we do."

Otto rubbed his temple and nervously laughed."Can I ask you something?"


"Well.....will you still be my friend even if I'm two years younger then you or even if you make new friends?"The younger boy looked at the girl straight in her eyes.Something in them twinkled.

Maybe it was curiosity that lit them up.Or maybe they were always like that.Olive smiled a bit and softly nodded her head.
"No.I won't be your friend."

Tears filled the small boy's eyes and his bottom lip trembled."B-but...w-why?"

"Because it would be weird to have a best friend and a friend in one friend.Don't you think?"Olive gave Otto a bright smile and Otto immediately started jumping up and down from happiness.

"I thought you didn't want to be my friend at all."

"Nope.I'll be your best friend."

"Olive!!!Otto!!!Dinner is ready!!Where are you?"The two stood up and ran towards their parents.

"Mommy,Olive is my best friend!!Ask her!!Right Olive?"Olive hugged her mom and nodded.Her mom and Otto's mom gave each other a glance and then laughed.

"That's nice.We're going to have dinner with them tonight so you'll get to play more."Olive looked up at his mom and back at Otto.

Maybe it was for the best that they moved here.

"Ok.Come on Otto.Let's go."She grabbed his hand and happily skipped away with him.

Fast forward sixteen years later,they were married and had a lovely home in Vancouver.If it weren't for Olive's bratty side,who knew what she would be doing but she thanked her parents for moving her to the apartments she once thought were smelly.
*walks in dodging pitchforks*Hey babies I want to say I'm sorry for-*gets hit on the face with a flip flop*What the fu-
Olive:Watch your language.
What the heck?!!As I was saying,*glares at the person who threw shoe at me*I am sorry for not updating.I have been busy with homework and me and my crush have been going really well!!He even invited me to his football game.

And he is buying me a birthday present.*squeals*Sorry Sean.
Sean:But I loved you :(
Whatever.I will probably update two more times.Maybe three.
Also my next Odd Squad book is coming out!!Mark your calendars for  October 8.Because that's when

New Girl(OliveXOtto)
You're My Dream(OonaXOtis)

Come out.Office Love (OonaXOscar)Will probably come out in the finals of October.I am also looking for a cover for my books so if you want to make me one please do!!!Please I am begging you!!!

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