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Just one more.
This is the last one.
After this,I will stop.

You told yourself this all the time but you always found yourself scratching your wrist with a small metal blade.It wasn't that you didn't have friends,you did have many,but none really understood what you had to go through before joining Odd Squad.

Sure it was to stop the world from being odd but it was also to escape from all the torture your classmates gave you.You had been cutting since 5th grade.You were now 13.Cutting was like a drug,once you start you can't stop.

Your best friend,Oscar Wild,never even knew about your problem.Your ex best friend was the only one who knew but she then told everyone in school and that's where your friendship shattered.

This was one of those days,you found yourself fighting back tears and drew the blade across your wrist.When you saw the pool of blood on the sink,you went into panic mode.What if someone just walked in and saw the blood?What would you say?

Why must I harm myself?
Why can't I stop?
Will anyone ever love me?

Many thoughts roamed through your head as you cleaned your wrist up and covered them up with your sleeves.Agent Octavia walked in and made you jump up.

"O-Octavia!!!Hi!!"You turned around and hid the blade behind your back.Odd dang it.She must've seen me."I-I didn't hear you come in."

"Oh sorry about that.Hey you haven't happened to see Agent Orchid right?I need to give her back this dinosaur I needed for my project."Octavia pulled out a green dinosaur from her back and showed you.

"If you like I'll give it to her......I'm on my way to the lobby."You straightened your suit and gave her a warm,gentle smile.

"Ok.Sure.Here you go,thank you so much Agent Ohana."You rushed out as fast as you could,not even hearing the last part of what Octavia said to you.

"Did she see?I really hope could probably tell Ms.O and they will for sure kick me off the squad.....oh dear.....why is a-"You ran smack into a small,sassy little girl.

"Hey!!Watch where you are going,Sherman!!"You looked down at the agent and handed her the dino.

"I'm Ohana,not Sherman."Orchid placed her hand on her hip,while hugging her dino with the other hand.

"For now.By the way,I'm Orchid."

"I know."


"Orchid,I've been working here for almost a year now and you stil-"The younger girl snapped her fingers at you and put on a face that read 'I lost interest in this conversation'

"Oh,uh,well agent Octavia wanted me to give you this.I have to go.See you around."
You ran off and continued biting your lip.At this point you were a nervous wreck.Many questions ran through your head,just wondering if Octavia saw you.

Just as you were walking into the lobby,a familiar scream startled you.
"Ohana!!In my office,now!"
Great.Just great.Now you were probably going to get kicked off the squad.
Trembling,you walked up the stairs.Just dreading what she would say.

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