
809 20 4

Slightly horror.Minor cursing.Suicide.
Sort of based on Unfriended.
But for now enjoy this picture of my friend.😂

I smiled and saw the image of all my friends pop up.I loved Skyping with them.

"Hey guys!!"

"Howdy doo!"

"O-T-T-O here!!"



Otis raised his eyebrows and gave all of them a half-hearted wave.

"So have you guys gotten tickets for prom?"


I looked down at my little notification bar.I recognized the 'ding'.It meant I had something new from Facebook.I looked back at the gang and sighed.

They were all too busy talking about prom,so I opened it up.

Olive Martinez:Hey Olympia.Can u tell me who posted the video?

I read the message over and over.She was supposed to be dead.I saw her kill herself with my own eyes.It still haunts me just to think about it.

Olympia Perez:I have no idea who u r.So maybe u should stop txt me or I'm calling the police.

"Who are you texting Olympia?"

I looked back at the gang and put on a fake smile."No one...just scrolling through Facebook.Hehehe."

I had just opened my mouth,to speak again,when someone had joined our conversation.

"Who.....who added 'Oddness26'?"

I saw the whole gang shake their head right after I finished speaking.

Olive Martinez:Ik one of u guys posted it.Who was it?

I rolled my eyes and clicked on her profile.I wanted to block her but......he death kept coming to mind.I could never forget her.Still,that was in the past.

Me and Olive had been best friends since kindergarten up until high school.That was when everything begun to change.She had chosen to become the most 'popular bitchy girl' while I decided to keep the same path I was on.

To think of it.....maybe I became the bitch.For filming her the day of the party and posting it on YouTube.

Oddness26:So Ik that one of u posted that vid of me on YouTube.
Who was it?

I frowned and clicked on the profile.It was weird.I couldn't block them or report them or even take them out of the call.

"What are you talking about?We don't even know you!!You must be a hacker!"
Oscar squirmed around in his chair and looked straight at the camera.

Oddness26:I'm Olive.

Oddness26:Martinez.The one that is on the vid.

Oona adjusted her ear bud and fixed her messy bun before looking back at the camera.
"How do we know you're not a creepy stalker hacking us?Look just do us a favor,leave our conversation and stop mentioning that dead girls name."

Oddness26: What if I was a hacker or what if I'm not?There's no way of knowing.

"Just leave our convo!!!"

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