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Just shifting.


Finally,the boy woke up and looked at the dark shadowy figure.

He managed to croak.

"......I'm scared......"
Otis turned on the light and looked all around the room.The gang was having a sleep over.

All around the floor,laid four 10 year olds,all sleeping.

The little girl remained silent and looked down at her pink fingernails.

"I left my teddy bear downstairs.....and without it.....I can't sleep...."
Otis rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"What do you want me to do?"
Oona stayed quiet and gave him puppy eyes.
"Fine.But you have to come with me."
He threw his sheets off and walked across the room,very cautiously so he wouldn't wake any of the others.

Oona followed behind him,also trying not to wake the others.

They waked down the long hallway.

It seemed more scary at night.To a kid the age of ten.

Otis had his eyelids halfway open but was somehow paying attention to her.


"C-can I hold your hand?"
Otis stopped and looked at the brunette.

She was scared.Really scared.Her eyes were filled with tears,almost as if she were terrified that something might pop out.

He held out his hand and tangled his fingers around her.
"Where was the last place you left it in?"

Oona thought for a moment and realized she had left it on the couch.


In the dark.

"In the living room."
Otis nodded and pulled her towards the stairs.He remembered that he hid a flashlight in the supply closet,just in case if he had those days where he wanted a glass of milk.

He pulled his hand away from Oona for a split second to grab the flashlight,and quickly tangled his fingers in hers.

He had to admit that it felt nice holding her hand.He just didn't want guys finding out because of the whole 'girls have cooties' thing.However,Otis didn't really care slightly.

He had always been a little too mature for his age,which was good in some cases but some times....not so good.

"There it is!!"
Poor Oona was excited to find her bear that she didn't see the skateboard that was in her way.

Otis had whisper-yelled.

She hadn't heard him until she found herself on the floor,with a broken leg.She had over the skateboard very badly that she broke her leg.

Otis expected her to cry,but she had been holding back her tears.

The little boy rushed to her side and helped her.Or what he thought was helping.He had no choice but to get his parents.

"Wait here,I'm gonna go get my mom and dad."
He stood up to leave but was held back by Oona,who was clutching onto his shirt sleeve.

"Please....don't leave.....I'm scared."
Otis sighed and looked around.His eyes set on a small fuzzy brown bear.

He ran to it and handed it to Oona.
"This should keep you busy until I come back.I promise it'll be fast."

Oona clutched her bear,closed her eyes as hard as she could.
After about three seconds,she opened them and held up her pinky.

"Pinky promise?"
Otis nodded and wrapped his pinky around hers.

She let go of his finger and watched him run up the stairs.She looked around,clutched her bear close to her cert,and closed her eyelids tightly.

"Monsters don't exist.Monsters don't exist.Monsters don't exist."
She kept telling herself this and she was believe it,until she heard footsteps approaching her.

"Please don't hurt me!!"

"Hurt you?"
She jumped up when a voice had spoken up.Not a harsh voice but a smoother,gentle tone.A light turned on and it revealed Otis' mother walking towards her.
"I would never hurt you.I want to help you,that's all."

Otis came down the stairs with his jacket,as well as Oona's,and a pair of keys.

"Can you move your leg?"

"It hurts too much."

The mother remained quiet and grabbed the keys from Otis.
"Your at her should probably be ok with staying with your friends.I'm gonna go ahead and take Oona to the hospital."
She picked up Oona and headed towards the front door,while the blonde little boy chased after her barefooted.

"I'm coming with you!!"

"Ok,just be sure to stay close."

After waiting a few hours in the emergency room,Oona was finally taken home.With a cast on her leg.

But it was green,her favorite color.Along with her,she held her bear the whole time.

How would she explain this to her parents?

Otis looked at her and waved his hand around.

"I tried warning you but you didn't listen."

Oona stayed quiet but Otis knew that she wanted to roll her eyes and smile.

Oona adjusted herself while Otis' mother was putting the wheelchair in the back.She looked at Otis and blushed.

"But I kept my promise after all."
Oona turned as bright as a tomato and kissed Otis on the cheek.

"Thanks for being there next to me in that scary moment."
It was now his turn to blush.

"No problem."
Oona rested her head on his shoulder and let out a big yawn.

"I'm sleepy."

"Me too."
They both laughed and fell asleep.
I got free movie tickets because the movie I was watching was interrupted because of a stupid tornado warning.I hate living in Texas.On another note,I read over,'Odd Love'and god did I crime the whole time.How can you guys stand my writing?😂😂Its worse then a moldy sandwhich.

QOTD:Based on my writing,do I seem mature for a fourteen year old?
(Just curious,don't answer if you don't want to.)

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