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Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Your eyes are diamonds,
Your heart is gold,
And I love you.

He crumpled the paper up and threw it in the trash.That was the sixty eighth poem that he had thrown away.

He was not one of flowery speeches and Valentine's day was NO exception but ever since he had begun going out with Olympia,he wanted to write her a poem as his gift.

But how was he supposed to give her a poem when he couldn't even come up with something that rhymes with 'I love you'?
He hoped that Ms.O didn't assign them any cases so he could work on a poem.

"That's it!!"
He stood up,grabbed a paper and pencil,and went to his boss' office.

Ms.O had been so busy admiring the Valentine that her partner,O'Donaghue had sent her that she didn't feel when Otis walked in.He had his sweet affectionate side when he was with her.

Otis saw this and awkwardly cleared his throat.
"Sorry to interrupt,Ms.O,but I have something to ask you."

Ms.O smiled and motioned for the chair in front of her desk.
"Take a seat,agent.Go ahead and ask away."

"Well,you see,Valentine's day is here and...I really want to give Olympia a homemade poem.One that comes straight from my heart."
(I just realized this sounds nothing like Otis.😂Oh whale.🐳)

Ms.O poked a pink straw through a juice and sipped away.
"What do you have so far?"

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue......and that's it."
Ms.O thought for a moment before she came up with something.

"How about,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Juices are sweet,
And so are you."

Otis tried not to laugh.Maybe that could work for Ms.O,but Olympia wasn't really into juices.She was more into soda or soft drinks.

"Alright,I'll tell you if I go with that.I will see you later."
Otis stood up to take his leave.

Ms.O didn't stop him,she just gushed over her card once again and fell into her daydream state,again.

"Maybe Oona can help."
Otis walked towards Oona and bit the top of his eraser.Writing a poem was harder than it looked.

Otis peeked his head in her office,which was in the very back of the lab.It was more like her desk area if you looked at it.

"Oh,howdy do!!How can I help?Do you need a teddy bear-inator?A giant-teddy-bear-inator?Or a chocolate-inator?"
Otis shook his head and went to her.

"I need help writing a poem for Olympia."
Oona's face lightened up and grabbed Otis by his shoulders.

"You have come to the right place.When I was in Paris,I wrote poems all the time.So what do ya have so far?"

Otis sighed and begun reading his poem.
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue....."

Oona scrunched her chin and smiled.
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Gadgets are cool,
And so are you!!"

Otis mentally facepalmed himself.He was going nowhere with his poem.

He thanked Oona for her time and went to every agent.After walking around headquarters and asking for help,all he had gotten was,

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I itch for you."

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Poems are hard,
And I love you."

"Potatoes are brown,
Carrots are orange,
Vegetables are gross,
But your face is not."
That one seemed to make no sense and it seemed really unprofessional.

He also had,
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm not one of words,
But I love you."

He sluped in his desk chair and massaged his temples.Olympia was sure to show up any minute now and he wouldn't even have her gift yet.

He didn't know how to say it in words,but he loved her.

He grinned and begun writing.

He grabbed the paper,read it four times,and gave it a big wet kiss.

Olympia showed up and gave him a red box.
"Happy Valentine's Day!!Open it up!!"

He opened it and was happy when he saw that she had gotten him a pet rock.It would complete his pet rock collection.Otis smiled and smiled.

Olympia hugged him and turned red.

"Here you go.I rally hope you like it,this comes straight from my heart."
Olympia took the small pink envelope,which Otis had taken out of his pocket,and cautiously opened it.

She smiled and couldn't help but read it over and over again.
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You make me happy,
There are no words to explain
The fact that I love you."

He watched her smile spread even bigger and handed her a giant teddy bear,along with a juice box.(Courtesy of Ms.O and Oona.)

Olympia started crying and hugged him tightly.
"This is the best gift ever!!"

"It wasn't such a big deal."

"Thank you Otis.I love you."

"I love you,too."
She smiled and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Why is Honey making a Valentines day one shot when we are barely still in January?"

Answer:Because I don't know if my book will still be continued in February.So I made this in honor of Valentine's day.

P.S.I'm not ending Odd Shots.I'm making an Odd Shots 2.Wink wonk.

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