The Last Time~OprahXO'Donahue

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Im thinking about doing an Oscar/Otto/OtisXReader oneshot.Idk what do you guys think?Should I?Or no?Comment your answer.This chapter is based on the song 'Last Time'
Oprah swung her feet and watched as the wind blew the water.She sat on the pier.Her partner/crush had stood her up for what seemed to be the 6th time.She was used to this,it didn't hurt her at all.But what did hurt her was that O'Donahue would tell her to meet him some place and she would go and wait for him.She would wait hours and he'd never show up.The only reason she'd go,was because she loved him.It was obvious he didn't.

It was shortly after 6 that she decided to go home."And again he hurt you,Oprah.Why don't you understand that he doesn't like you?"She made her way to her bedroom.Without changing out of her dress,she layed in her bed and silently cried herself to sleep.
The next morning,she woke up not thinking about O'Donahue.
Instead,she woke up with an open mind about work.

She made a promise to herself that she wouldn't ever think of O'Donahue as more then a partner.She dressed into her uniform and headed to Headquarters.Once she was there,she let out a small sigh and headed to her desk.

Minutes after she arrived,O'Donahue showed up as if everything were normal.He greeted her with a smile and even put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Oprah."She didn't respond.In fact she tried to avoid communication with him.

"Oprah?"Still no reply.

"Are you mad at me?"No,of course not.Yes!!I am mad at you.What do you think?!!She stopped working on her file and turned around in her chair.

"No.But I'm going to say this,put my name at the top of your broke my heart in the blink of an eye many times."

"What are you talking about?"He clearly had no idea what she was talking about.Was he forgetful or what?

"You told me to meet you at the Pier at 3.And I waited for you until 6.What did you want me to do?Do you think I'd wait for you forever?I'm done with waiting for you.And this is the last time you hurt me."Tears rolled down her cheek,as she ran down the hall into the pillow room.

She closed the door and cried into a pillow.He broke her heart many times in a blink of an eye.She was done.And she was done with him telling her she had it wrong.

O'Donahue sat down and ran his hand through his hair.He'd done it this time.He hurt her again."Idiot.Why didn't you remember."He yelled at himself and decided to go look for Oprah.

After minutes of searching and searching,he didn't find her anywhere.He slumped against the wall and sighed.Yep,he hurt her very badly.And who knows if she'll ever forgive him.

Oprah wiped away her tears and stood up.
Never let a boy into your mind ever again.They'll only hurt you.She told herself and walked out.

3 months later.
O'Donahue paced down the road and looked up to see the familiar house.He walked up to the door,but didn't knock.He'd always find himself at her door but never managed to knock or say a proper 'Hello'.

This time,Oprah opened the door to get her mail and froze when she saw him standing there.He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and rocked on his heels.

"Hi...Oprah."He felt his cheeks burn up.She glared at him and crossed her arms.

"Hi.What are you doing here at MY house?"

He opened his mouth to speak but didn't have any words.He himself didn't know either.Everyday he'd walk down the street,walk up to her porch and stand there.Why?

"I told you three months ago,the night you asked me for an apology,that that was the last time I'd let you in my door.Didn't you understand?"She was being too rude.Didn't matter,he deserved it.

"I's just that I find myself at your door everyday......I don't know why...."Oprah put her hands in her front pockets.O'Donahue looked very sincere and apologetic,she still wouldn't let his sincereness get to him.If that was even a word.

"I guess I should get going...I'll see you around Oprah.Bye..."He turned to leave and she ran to him,only to pull him into one last hug.

"I want this to be our last hug.And I forgive you.Just that....I...I only want to be partners and not more than that.I want us to be friends.Only friends."He responded to her with the same hug.

"Ok.Then I'll see to around Headquarters,partner."

"Yea.Partner."They both pulled away and O'Donahue walked away.That would truly be the last time she'd hug him like that.Now they were friends.And only friends.Until she felt that it was time to love again.
Why do you guys read my Odd Squad books?They're terrible.
LOL.My writing should not even be called 'writing' it should be called 'Trash' xD.Btw,what does AU and OC mean?!!I see it in nooks and I'm just like 'WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!!'

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