O'Donahue/Oprah:Like Old Times

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His red official Odd Squad sneakers stomped down the hall and walked with full pride.One hand,planted on the top of his head,while the free hand was inside his left pocket.A smile slowly made its way across his face.The girl he had a crush on was just mere feet away,and here he was.Wanting to hear her voice for as long as possible.


"Come in!!"The boss didn't look up from her finger painting.Her fingers went this way and that way.Smiling when each drawing came out the way she wanted it to be.

"Oprah?"She paused,letting out a slight growl but quickly smiled when her partner stood at the frame of her office door."Long time no see,I guess.I came to talk to you about the undercover operation."

Ms.O grabbed a silky,purple piece of cloth and cleaned her fingers on it."Yes.I will be going with two of my best agents to try and stop them as well.But YOU,"She smirked and took a seat at her couch."will be the one dressed up as a mime and get to know all their plans."

"I know."He took a seat at her couch and sighed.It had been a long gap of time,it probably had been years since they last spoke maybe it was more likely months.He rarely ever got to see her now a days."Oprah,can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead,OD."She held her drawing up before her,sitting up in a very proud manner."You know we're friends.You can feel free to ask whatever you want."With her purple embroider rag,she wiped her fingers off.Being the child she still was,she took put yet another object to distract herself with.Play-Doh.

"......do 'ya ever miss solving cases with me?'Ya know,like the old days?"Oprah paused for a second.Of course she did miss those days.She missed the days before she had become a Ms.O.She hated the first year,not being able to see her partner no matter how hard she tried finishing all her work.

"Of course I do,O'Donahue!!"She let a tint of excitement inform him of how much she missed it."I would even go back in time just to hang out more with you,OD."

"That's what I thought."He looked down,in a way that looked as if her were processing something."What would you say if I invited you out to a milkshake?Like the good old days?"

The girl looked up.It was visible in her eyes how tired she seemed.It was after work hours and the night shift was sure to come in any moment.Yet,she had loads of work to do.Small bags were visible under her eyes.Poor Oprah,he thought.

"But.....I still have loads of work to finish."She pouted and turned to face the three gigantic file folder that she received in just the same day.879 agents,but only 100 of them have been checked.Not even halfway done.She told herself.

"You can bring it and afterwards I can help you with it."He smiled.She sighed in defeat,if she continued to make up excuses she would never get this offer ever again.Especially from O'Donahue.

"Fine."She grabbed her coat and headed to her tube.As she was squishinated,she was placed in a tight position whilst the paperwork took up most of the space."Ow."she muttered when she got out.

Pop's.Open 24 hours.She smiled at the sign.

Oprah watched as her partner opened up the door for both himself and her."Ladies first."He accuired to say.

"Why thank you my good sir."She said in a playful tone.Memories can rushing back as she took a quick glance at that booth they would get back in the 60s.For Pop's had been around for as long as anyone could remember.Her partner and her had last visited a week after she got her promotion as a headquarters director."wow......"she couldn't help but smile the whole time.

She didn't move when she saw O'Donahue moving to the empty booth in the back.Like old times.

lilwoodb please don't get mad at me but I used some parts of your book,'Ships Ahoy' to come up with this.I also made it because I hadn't made a Oprah/O'Donahue oneshot in a while.Yes,I put in an

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