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You raised your head,puzzled at the sound of why there was a banging at your window.A sound so hard that you almost thought your window were to break any moment.You annoyingly threw your (f/c) sheets off your body and headed through the darkness until you wound up at your window,stubbing your toe at the slight contact that it had made with the wall.

Once the pain had calmed down,you opened up your window only to be hit,on the forehead,with a small but pointy rock.

What a great way to start the day off.You thought as you tried ridding the pain away.

2:50 a.m.

It was too early to even receive any visitors in the day.You caught a glimpse of brown hair.It could only be the one and only troublesome neighbor.Odd Todd.

"Oops......I'm sorry."He smiled,trying to make you forget of what he had just hit you with.

"Todd,what on earth are you doing?Do you have any idea of what time it is?"You rubbed upon your sleepy eyes and shook your head.

"I came to visit you."You rolled your eyes.Of course,what else would he be doing here?

"I know that!!!But WHY?!!"

You thought he had walked away from you without even answering your question when he made you jump backwards and almost lose your balance.He had appeared.From the window.He had climbed up the house and jump scared you.

"I wanted to see you up close and personal."You rubbed on your eyes,which would probably be red from all the rubbing if you looked in the mirror,and let out an annoyed yawn.

"Todd..."You groaned and watched him sit at the edge of your bed.This was wrong.He was the villain and you were the agent trying to protect the world from people like him.The flashback came running to you as you took your place next to him and rested upon his shoulder.

~One year ago~
She watched as her partner threw two pies at her friends.One at the scientist then at her boss.Olive talked to Ms.O while you ran after Todd.

"Agent Todd!"You shook in fear.Had you seriously called him out?He turned around and you came face to face with a boy that had once been your acquaintance but also had a purple nose."You are to do what your boss instructs you to do,and-and go fix everything you have damaged."

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