Not an Update

385 11 23

Ok...if y'all don't like me,just say so!!I mean y'all don't have to send hate.😠

I'm just trying to spread peace and joy by making all my viewers happy.But when one of you sends hate to me,it pisses the fluck out of me.😠Like what the fluck did I do??I'm only want everyone to be happy.

But when you don't like something,don't read it.Ok?Don't hate someone hate just because you don't like something they wrote.Lmao.Why the fluck you gonna send hate to some one you don't even know or know what's going on in their life.

My parents got a divorce and I'm sorry if I turned to wattpad to write out my problems.I'm sorry.But you just can't do that!!It hurts like hell when you do that shit.😤

I have feeling y'know.Whatever.😒

You guys have until the end of February to read my books and then I delete my Wattpad account and books.That way none of you have to put up with ma shit.

Unless you guys want me to stay?But otherwise I refuse to update.Why am I gonna update if y'all hate it?Tf?

I'm done with this bullshit.💩🙅

Bye guys.✌

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