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You are the main character in this oneshot!!In the end you decide who you want to go with.Will it be #TeamOtto or will it be #TeamOtis?Comment what team you went for at the end.
:).Yes.He liked my pictures.So did Madeline a.k.a Oksana.
Jelly much?Jk
"Hmmmm..."You looked at your reflection and scrunched your chin.It just didn't look right.Your hair was curled,you wore your fanciest dress you owned,you even had some nice flats going with it.Something just wasn't right but what?

"Hey Ohana!"You turned around to find your little sister,Olympia,looking at you from head to toe."Wow.You look so pretty!!"She smiled at you and scrunched her chin,as well.
"Somethings missing."She got closer to you and looked at you up and down once more."I know!Lipgloss."

You frowned and shook your head."Ew.No."Olympia kept getting closer to you,with the lipgloss bottle in her hand.

"Come on,Ohana.It's the night of the Jackolope Awards and you have to look nice!Just a little then."You sighed in surrender.She was right.Yur boyfriend,Otis Blake,was the one you were going to walk in with and you wanted to be the center of attention when you walked in.(I tried my hardest not to say 'y'all'...POTATO.)

"Ok.You look nice too."
Your younger sibling gave a twirl and smiled.

"Well Ohlm told me to go nice.I mean,after all,we are just going as friends."She started putting lipgloss on your bottom lip and closed the bottle."There!!Perfect."She took your hand and helped you up.

"I don't even know why I'm even going....."You paused for a moment and looked at your younger sister."I mean...Olive and-"

"Estop!"(I'm sorry.I had to.I am latina and this is how me and my fam say it.ESTOP!)
"Stop!!Get over him,Ohana!!Just don't think about him."
Olympia groaned and placed the lipgloss on your desk."The only way to get over him is go stop caring about him.You have Otis now."

True.Otis had been a total sweetheart to you after he learned you were Olympia's sister,he had fallen madly in love with you.
"I do......"You shook your head and put on a smile."I am going.For Otis."

"Great let me go get my coat and we can go."
As soon as Olympia left,you began rummaging through your closet,looking for a simple coat,when you found your pink shoe box.The shoe box that you had thrown into your closet after you got dumped.With a trembling hand,you picked up the lid and fought back tears when you saw a picture of you and Otto holding hands and wearing matching sweatshirts.

"Why?.....I thought we had it all."
You looked down at the picture and shook your head.That day still haunted you.Forever.

"And with the push of a button,"You watched the blonde scientist press the button on the new sweater-inator."tadaa!You get a sweater."Oscar scratched his forearm and gave a satisfied smile."Itchy but comfortable."He handed the gadget over to you and grabbed onto his lab coat.

"Thanks Oscar.Hey,I was wondering,have you seen Otto?It's our five month anniversary!!I got him tickets to go see Soundcheck.I can't wait to see his reaction."You happily took out the tickets and showed him.

"Nope.Sorry kiddo."You thanked him for the gadget and continued your search for your boyfriend.Agent Orchid,who was playing with her dinosaurs,gave you a glare when you walked over her dinos.

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