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"Please......just go.......you don't need to be hurt by me again......just go!!"Otis turned on his heel and looked the other way.

"Otis,please!!I'm your partner you can't just push me away every single time you have a problem!!Trust me!!"Olympia tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"Olympia just-"

"It's the same with you Otis.Ever time you have a problem you shut people who are close to you away!!Let them help!!"Otis turned around and was inches away from her.

"Go......I don't want to hurt you."

"That's it?You're just dropping the conversation.That's the only thing that you know how to do well.Unlike sharing your-"Otis pushed Olympia making her fall to the ground.

Olympia looked at him in disbelief of what he had just done.Otis blankly blinked.

"See.....I told you that you need to go."He pointed to the door and watched her tremble in fear.

"Now I know what you're capable of doing.I bet you're even more stronger than what you're showing right now."Olympia stood up and smoothed out her dress.The auburn hair girl quickly glanced at the blonde and sighed."When you're ready to......to trust me.....you know where to find me.But for now.....just.....bye."She began to walk down the stairs,not even looking back to see Otis.

"Olympia!!Wait.Please I'm-......"Otis watched her as she ran out the door and disappeared into the darkness."Sorry....."The only light was when a lightning ray went off.Otis bit his lip,he had two options.Go after Olympia or stay and show her he didn't care for her.

"Olympia.The dumb things you make me do just to show you I love you."Otis tightened his grip on his phone.He'd called Olympia many times but she didn't answer him.The rain had begun to fall.It went from a gentle sprinkle to a pouring rain.It was raining so hard it hurt the skin if a drop fell onto it.

"Olympia!!Where are you?!!"Otis peeked into a alley but saw no movement,besides the black cat that jumped out of the way when he screamed.He let out a sigh but right when he was going to leave he heard a femal voice,crying and talking.

He followed the voice and to his suprise he saw Olympia sitting on the ground,soaking wet.He felt awful now.Looking at the girl made him feel terrible for bringing up the topic she really hated talking about,her father.

"Olympia."The girl took her hands away from her face and looked at the blonde.She quickly wiped away her tears and ran one hand through her wet curled hair.

"Otis.What are YOU doing here?I thought you wanted to be left alone."She crossed her arms.Her beautiful cheeks were now tear stained.Her nose and eyes were both red but only one of them could show the pain she held inside her.

"No.....I......I just can't live without you."

"Then why did YOU scream at ME in the first place?!"

"Me?!!I started the fight?!It was you who brought up the topic."Olympia glared at Otis.They were both very made at each other when the argument started that they didn't remember who started it.


"DO NOT!!"


"....DO NOT!!"Otis rolled his eyes and shrugged.There was no point in arguing with her,she would always find a way to have the last word."WE HAD THIS ARGUMENT 5 YEARS AGO I'M NOT HAVING IT AGAIN.YOU ALWAYS START STUFF."

"I START STUFF?!YOU'RE THE ONE WHO HAS TAKEN OVER THIS RELATIONSHIP.AND I'M TIRED OF IT.I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY I.....WHY I LEFT OONA FOR YOU!!"Olympia took a step back and let another tear fall.Otis realized what he said and grabbed Olympia's wrist,only to have her try to fight back.

"Then why'd you come find me?Go look for her!!Everyone likes Oona so go look for her!!If you're done with me go look for her."She kept trying to break away from his grip buthe wouldn't budge."Let me go."

"No.I love you too much to let go of you."He grabbed Olympia by her shoulder while she hung her head.He tucked a piece of her behind her ear and calmed down."I know I'm an idiot for saying things.But I am positive that I love you.I love you sooooo much.Never forget it."Olympia covered her face woth her hands and began to cry.

"I-I.....Otis!!"She hugged him like it was her last time hugging him.She shivered as the rain soaked her even more and the wind blew.

"Let's go home.Here cover up with my sweater."Otis stopped momentarily to take off his sweater just to hand it to Olympia.Olympia smiled when she saw that it was the sweater she had given him for their three year anniversary.It was quiet an expensive gift but he loved it.

"Ok."The two began to walk down the street.Both holding each other.Midway Olympia and Otis knew she was sick when she fell to her knees and was really warm.Otis,being the gentleman he was,picked her up bridal style and walked home.

"Thank you.I-i love you Otis."Otis smiled and kept walking.

"No problem."Once they got home,he placed her on the bed.As if she were a child he tucked her in tightly and kissed her forehead."Just get some rest and try not to stand up.If you need anything,just call me.Ok?"

"Sure.And hey......is the fight over?"

"Yea.When you're ready to tell me about your dad I'll be ready."

"I'll tell you about him now.If you want."

"Sure."Olympia sighed and adjusted a towel on her hair.

"So my dad basically abandoned us when me and my sister were just 5 and 6.He said he was going to go for food and he never returned.I just really hate talking about him because he just left my mom with two girls."She let out a yawn and brought the sheets closer to her.

"Oh.....I'm sorry I never knew you went through that."Otis turned red and awkwardly looked away.No wonder she hated the topic.When Otis faced her,she was gently snoring.Ir was as if she was knocked out.It didn't matter to Otis,he just gave her a quick peck on the forehead and went into the living room.
Hey guys.(Oscar reference)Sorry for no updates in two....three?

Olive:three weeks.

Ok.I've been working on some new Odd Squad fanfics so that's why.Two things.

One,how awesome would it be to have a fan fiction about me and Sean?#Seal My name and Sean.Pfft.No?Just me.:(I really want a fan fiction of me and him.I'm so weird. XD.If you write it I will check it out.

Two.New books will come out today.Or next week haven't decided yet.Bye.

"Question,can you fit in this banana suit?"

"Aww....I got my sweater all caught up in this thing."

"Can you open this jar for me?"

"End of discussion."

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