Snow and Hugs~OlympiaXOtis

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Just tell him.

Just be honest with him.

He'll understand.

Or not.

"Hurry up,Otis!!!You walk slower than a snail!!"

I stood in the middle of the street just as I got off my school bus.I was talking to my friend,Oona Henderson,when I noticed that Otis was heading my way.

I smiled and wrapped the blanket around myself.It was cold.Very cold.

"Hi best friend!!"

Otis smiled and walked towards me.As he approached me,he opened his arms and pulled me into a hug.Only thing I could do was blush and hug him back.

"So where are you going?What's your first period?"

I looked at him in surprise.He never asked this.He always talked about working out.And only that.

I knew very well that many girls liked him but t didn't like me because I knew him better than any girl.

"I have English."

I blushed and shivered.

"Where are you going?"

He smirked and flexed.

"I'm going to the weight room right now.You know,to get them muscles."

We both bursted into laughter.This was the first time me and him were alone and were actually talking without any interruptions.

It was quiet nice,if I do say so myself.

"What muscles?"

I poked him and looked at Oona,who was looking down at her phone.I had completely forgotten about her.Oona was my bus buddy,she was a sophomore but I was a freshman.I always asked myself how our friendship worked but I liked it.

"I'm kidding."

Otis put his hoodie on and looked at the glass doors.

"I have to go.I'll see you later."

I pouted a bit but let him go.I understood.Besides,I didn't want to seem clingy.

"Alright.I'll see you in second period."

He smiled and hugged me.

Oona nudged me.I knew what she was saying,'Get you some.'

Besides the fact that I had gotten a 20 on my presentation,I was still in a good mood.I just needed to see Otis.

Luckily,first period ended and I was off to math,where I had Otis.

"Omg,I wear lots of foundation and eyeshadow and....."

What do girls wear make up?

Otis could sense that I didn't seem interested in the conversation so he smiled at me.

The conversation kept getting weirder and weirder by the minute.By the end of the class,I was ready to throw up.

*****Timeskip cuz I'm lazy.*******

It had gotten so cold that snow had fallen.It looked so beautiful that I wanted to go outside but my tachrs wouldn't let me.

The last bell rang and I ran all the way to Otis' classroom.

He had a huge grin on his face as he saw me.

"Otis,can I tell you something?"

My heart was pounding so hard I felt like it would pounce it's way out of my chest and land in front of me and Otis.


I played around with my fingers and let out a deep breathe.

"Otis,I know we've known each other since with grade and......I started having feelings for you this year and........I wanted to tell you that I like you.I have these silly feelings when I'm around you or what you talk to me.I don't know if this will affect our friendship but I just needed to tell you."

I looked all around us and saw that everyone was playing in the snow,meanwhile I was hear spilling my feelings for Otis.

Otis had snow all over his hair and I chuckled but then I hid it by covering my mouth with my blanket.


I prepared myself for the worst.For some odd reason,the song 'Soap' by Melanie Martinez was playing in the back of my mind.

"Olympia why didn't you tell me since the first day?I would've come to my senses and realized my feelings for you too."

I blushed harder.He chuckled and brushed some snow off my head.


"I like you,Olympia.I really do.But I'm not asking you out.Maybe we should take it slow."

I nodded of course I would take it slow.I never was telling him that he had to go out with me.

"That's fine."

He wrapped his arms and hugged me.I got the brilliant idea of throwing snow down his spine and ran around the school.

Me,being the smart one I was,ran through a frozen puddle and slipped.I landed on my butt,but I played it cool and i just laughed.

Otis helped me up and gave his sweater so I would be even more warmer.
So this is based off me and my crush.
Except Olympia and Otis form.

It snowed in Texas!!!Yaay!!
Bye guys.

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