Love You Forever~OliveXTodd

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Hate me for writing this.(づ ̄ ³ ̄) prepare for your feels to be broken.)

"Is this Todd Jackson?"

Todd held his phone tightly.He felt like he was in a horror movie receiving a call from someone he didn't know.
"Yes....t-this is him.What is it?"

"Do you happen to know Olive Martinez?"
The boy jumped up and started pacing around in his apartment, the one he shared with Olive.

"Y-yes....she is my girlfriend.What about her?"

"With all my guilt.....I'm sorry to say this but.....she....she was in a terrible car accident and she's in the hospital right now.Would you please come here ad fast as possible?"
Faster than The Flash,he grabbed his things and sprinted to his car.Skipping red lights,he was in the hospital in less then 10 minutes.

Todd was all out of breathe.Clearly he had made his way to the main office-lobby,however you want to look at it really-by running up the stairs.

"First room to your right."
Todd nodded and went in search of the room.But before he left he heard the desk lady say,"Goodness,not even a thank you."

There,before him,laid Olive.Connected to a tube.And connected to some IVs.It seemed scary.She also had a mask on,to help her breathe.

He slowly made his way to her bed and took her hand.

"Wake up liv.You have to stay."

The room remained quiet.All you could hear was the beeping coming from Olive's machines.
Her head laid unmoved on the feather pillow.
Todd hated his own guts at the moment.If h could only go back in time and make the stupid fight not happen.
But it was already out there and that had led to Olive being hurt.

"Stay with me.You're all I need.Nothing else.Just stay with me.I beg you."
He stayed with her all night and didn't let go of her hand at all.
His tears and sniffles were echoing throughout the room.He promised Olive that he would stay there until she woke up.
So I might have gotten the flu.
I feel like crap right now.I don't even know if this makes any sense.I feel very drooy rn.My throat hurts plus I've been screaming all day and I also have a stuffy nose.I'll try making a part two to this and heartbroken.Please try understanding.
Also I'm working on my first non-Odd Squad ff.It'll be called 'Football🏈'

QOTD:what is your favorite season.
AOTD:Autumn because I like sweater weather.

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