Not Girly~OtisXReader

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So I was really inspired by the song 'Sit Still And Look Pretty' by Daya.Totally listen to it.Please!!!
It was down to the last few minutes of the game.Fans were on the edge of their seats,coaches were biting their fingernails off at the anxiety of who might score and who might win.The other teammates watched as Number 82 made its way across the field.Who was that player,you ask?

Number 82 was none other than Ohana (L/N).The only girl on the football team.And not to mention,the best one on the team.
Many had laughed and said she would never be what she wanted to be.That was the thing.Ohana never was the girly type,she preferred playing in the mud with a soccer ball instead of playing dolls or doing make up and hair.It was totally ok with her dad,he obviously always wanted some to play football with so now he had his daughter.Her mother,on the other hand,had to take some time to adjust to her hobby but she definitely understood,after a while.

"Number 82 makes her way across.Will she make it and gt the team to play at the play offs?Let's hope so folks.Fun fact:I am your referee and my name is Wyatt but you can call me 'Alan' and this is not my real voice."
The referee had even dropped his mic just as you were running towards the score zone.You inspiration to making a touchdown was all the negative comments in your life,it was your fuel to going past the line.

20 seconds were left.....
Still......15 yards to go......
Come on Ohana,hurry up!!

Before you knew it,you saw everyone dropping everything and celebrating.You had made the winning touchdown.Nobody could open their mouth and talk bad about you after this.Your teammates crowded around you and lifted you onto their shoulders.Your biggest fan was your crush,Number 63,a.k.a Otis Blake.He had been your crush since the first day that you had joined the team.He had become your best friend over the time,he would mostly want to talk about football and you were the one he could talk about it with.

You had other guy friends,Oscar Richards and Otto Cortez.Yet you never really talked to them because they were....well,how do you say it?......they were....geeky.Oscar was the president of the chemistry club.While Otto was the Secretary of the Soundcheck fan club.Everyone knew Soundcheck was a girl's favorite band,not a boy's.Yet again,everyone had their own little flaw.
Even you.

"Great job out there,Ohana.I'm happy for you.You helped us get to the play offs.If we win,it'll be thanks to you."
You turned around and removed your helmet,slowly shaking your head back and forth to release your hair.
It was Otis who had spoken,now he was standing before you with a serious expression and a small smile on his face.Behind him,stood a girl.A girl you had never seen.She wore glasses and was a brunette.You had never seen her around school,so maybe she was new.Or maybe she was Otis' girlfriend.

But back to the girl,she had black hipster glasses and had a small green bow holding back her hair,which happened to waterfall its way onto her shoulders.
"Ohana,I want you to meet my sister.Oona Blake.Oona meet Ohana."
Oona only looked and gave a half-hearted wave before looking back down at her shoes.
"She's really shy around people she doesn't know but once she knows you,she acts like a different person."

"I really like her bow.It's cute,you should buy me a pink one that matches with the frilly dress I have in my closest."
You shot him a wink.He only bursted into laughter and looked back at Oona.

"You don't have any questions for Ohana?"
Oona remained in silence,until she finally looked up and gave you an excited grin.

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