Invisible ~OctaviaXOz

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After Oz's 'incident',he had become the 'best agent on the squad' just like Ms.O had said.Of course,that also meant that he could use his "power" to get out of work from time to time.Octavia knew he was invisible,but she couldn't get used to it.With Oz invisible,she found it harder and harder to work on cases.It wasn't the same.She wanted the old Oz back.The visible one.The clumsy one.Oz had also apparently stopped coming to work one week but then the next week he was back.No one kne where he was,either that or they just didn't have time to worry.

"Octavia,there you are!!Something very odd has happened.I need you to go on a Top Secret Mission."
Ms.O had said one day,to Octavia who once again was on her own.

Ms.O clamped a hand over Octava's mouth,to keep her from spilling the beans.The mission was that they needed to bring back the Odd Squad Ambassador.Also they had to bring back their......TV.But along the way,they needed to get the Sword Of Antioch.Octavia had no idea why the sword,but Ms.O had told her not to ask any questions.

"This will be your first case alone,I presume,since the...."
She cleared her throat,try not to say what she wanted to.
"'Incident' and I can also tell that Oz isn't usually with you as much,unlike before.But I want you to go look for the Sword Of Antioch.WELL?!!WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???GO!!"
Octavia smiled and ran off to the tube room,luckily O'Brien no longer worked there or else he wouldn't have let her through.Even if she had already apologize.O'Brien had locked her in headquarters for a WEEK.She had even forgotten what the sky looked like.She shuddered at the thought.

"O'Callaghan,send me to the cave of.......of....I forgot!!"
O'Callaghan laughed a bit and squished her into a sphere.Ms.O had told him where to send her to,just in case she forgot.
In less then five minutes,she arrived at the Cave of Antioch.
It had been a rough landing,of course it was a rough landing!!O'Callaghan squishinated her before she could even prepare herself.But she sucked it up and begun walking towards the inside.

She eventually came to a small grassy mountain and there was the sword.On a rock.Octavia ran to it and pulled it out.

"Check one for Octavia!!"
She jumped up and down to celebrate but then she remembered that she had to tell Ms.O as soon as she had the sword.
"Oscar!!I have retrieved the Sword."

"Good job,Octavia.Let me tell Ms.O so she could get us to the next step."
She heard some arguing going on,on the other side of the line.Some words were hard to understand but all she heard was something about a chair.It was very odd.Most agents never argued over chairs,they were all the same and they had never changed.Well,except for that one time where Ms.O decided it would be a good idea to have cube chairs.Let's just say it wasn't a good idea.AT ALL.

"Octavia has the Sword of Antioch.What do we do now?"

"Prepare the canoe.The big one."

So was she to cross the river or just stay there on the side she was on.Maybe she should just wait for Ms.O's instructions.

"Which evers birthday is closer to mine,gets the chairs."
Thy must've been comfy chairs to agents to go to Ms.O.Octavia found herself a bit blue.Everyone had a friend/partner on their side.There was Olive and Otto,Oren and Olaf,Ms.O and O'Donahue,even Oscar had been partners with Dr.O BEFORE they were even doctors or scientists.It didn't really seem far.Was Oz just being selfish by showing up to work when he felt like it or.....?

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