I Like You~OlympiaXOlive

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I dedicated this chapter to Kenisuki
Rant at bottom.
"How dare you do this to me?!!"
Olympia held back her tears and lifted up her two hands,trying to block Otis out of her mind.He had just caught them kissing.And by 'them',I mean Olympia and Olive.

"You really think I'm stupid enough not to see what's wrong with you?"
Olympia remained quiet and didn't look up from the ground.Otis grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her.
"You're...... You're a queer (I feel like this sounds offensive. Does it?)......aren't you?"
Olympia pushed him away and tried running but he caught up to her and grabbed her hand.

"Leave me alone!!"
Olympia cried harder.Olive,who was on the ground,rubbed her temples and looked up.She could see what was going on.Otis was doing it again.

Otis' grip tightened around Olympia's arm.

"Let me go.....you're hurting me."
Otis got into her face and sneered.

"Tell me!!"
He raised up his right hand.Before his hand could come in contact with her skin,Olive jumped in.Not only was she in between them but she had a grip on Otis' hand that was in the air.

Olive turned to Olympia and raised an eyebrow.
"It's not ok to hurt a women.Haven't your parents taught you any manners?"
Just as she said that,she gave Otis a shove and pulled Olympia towards her.Both girls wrapped their arms around each other and broke out into smiles.They both sat down on the green grass and continued their hugging.Otis,who hadn't given up,pulled Olive by her ponytail,making her hit smack into a rock.

Olympia tried rushing to Olive's side but Otis had spun her around so she could look him in the face.Olive had gotten up,numbly and weakly,but was still trying to stand on her own.

Before Otis could lay a hand on Olympia (again),Olive tackled him.What wasn't mentioned before was that they were on the edge of the pool.So when Olive tackled him,she pushed him into the pool.She was throwing punched left and right.Otis was trying to hit her but couldn't.She was too fast for him.

Olympia was practically yelling at this point.She didn't want anyone to get hurt so much that they end up in the hospital.But nobody was listening to her.

Olive pushed the blonde's head underwater,while Otis tried escaping from Olive's grip.He had to say,if he didn't get out of the pool he would end up getting beat up by a girl.NOBODY would want to hang out with someone who got beat up by a girl.Olympia was hesitant but she knew she had to do something or else.

So she did.

She jumped in.

But she jumped in to pull Olive away.She had her arms wrapped around her waist and was trying to get her far away as possible from Otis.It was her fault for inviting them on the same day.She knew that they couldn't stand each other.

Once she had pulled Olive away,she got in between them and yelled at the top of her lungs.
"You get OUT of my house!!!And you stay IN my house!!"
Otis shot daggers at her but did as she said.

Olympic swam over to Olive and wrapped her hands around her neck.She had remembered something just as Otis was walking away.What he had witnessed.

"Be careful on spilling the beans on my sexuality,because if you do....I'll tell everyone how you almost got beat up by a girl.And you know nobody likes wimps.Right!"
Olympia crossed her arms,watching her now ex boyfriend walk back to his car.

She watched him drive away.As soon as he disappeared around the corner,she slammed the door and ran all the way back to Olive.Who could ever not like Olive?She knew for a fact that she LOVED Olive.With all her might.

"Ouch.He hurt you badly.Let me help you treat them."
The auburn girl stretched out a hand to touch Olive,but was rejected.

"C-can I ask you something?"
Olive stared out onto the sun while she squirmed in her chair.She was waiting for Olympia's answer.(Which was just a nod from the head.)
"If he hurt you,why.......why did you stay with him?"
Olympic couldn't respond.She was too caught up in reality to answer.

"I.....I didn't want to disappoint my family by dumping the right boy......"
Olympia shifted her glasses and continued staring at Olive.

Olive still hadn't looked up from the same spot she had been staring at.
"Do you love me even though I don't have all the money in the world?"

Olympia wasn't hesitant one bit.She immediately answered with a nod.
"Yes I love you no matter what.I don't even care what my family thinks."

Olive had a smile spread on her face.


Olive smiled and stood up.She had come up with a great idea.She grabbed Olympia and pulled her to her feet.Once she was standing,Olive wrapped her into a hug.
"I love you."

"I love you too."
They leaned in.

And kissed.
Rant........ok......so Maria is going through a tough time rn.I get her.I went through that.....I felt very worthless.And I just want her to know that no matter what,Yo te amo.I love you no matter what.You were there with really nice comments and making my day now it's my turn.Es Mi turno para hacerte sentir mejor.Its my turn to make you feel better.

Just know that I'm here for you no matter what.😊😊

Also I have three books coming out soon.One is a book where you comment an Odd Squad ship or from whatever show and I will tell you if I ship it or not.

Second is a one shot called 'Last Call📞'
I sort of Got the idea from when I talked to my friend,@OlivexOttoForever011.

Third one maybe if you'd like,an Odd Squad confession book.You Pm me your confession and I'll post it on my book.If you want to be known out loud I'll tag you and if you don't I'll make it anon.

Should I make an odd squad confession book?Idk.Tell in the comments.

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