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"What's wrong with you?"
Olympia had caught herself daydreaming,again.
She had forgotten that she was even talking to Owen.

Owen raised his eyebrow and scrunched his chin.Something was up with Olympia,she hadn't been herself for over two months.It was weird.Maybe even odd.He wanted to help her but he knew she wouldn't budge.

"Anyways,I was telling you that the jelly fish has been spotted in different streets each hour."
Olympia nodded,trying to follow along.
She had gotten that part,only but hadn't gotten the info before.

"Thanks Owen.I'll be sure to tell Otis about this."
She cringed the moment the name had slipped out of her mouth.
Once arranging her notes and investigating the pattern,she walked back to her desk.

This sent the girl into panic mode and made her throw her papers in the air.
Oona giggled and tried gathering the papers.
"Sorry Olympia."

"Don't worry....Oona."
Have you ever disliked someone that even saying their name,disgusts you?That was what Olympia felt.
She stood up and snatched a paper from Oona's hand.

"I feel like you hate me."

"Hate is a strong word."
Olympia muttered.

"Fine.I feel like you dislike me.Can you tell me why?Or do you just have a problem with me?"
Olympia slammed her hand on the desk and let her tears go.

"You.....Otis likes you!!!I don't even know why I expected him to even like me when he only sees you!!I didn't say anything because you were with him."
Ok,so maybe she said this in her head and not out loud but it's better to keep your friendship instead of worrying over some guy.

"No....it's just that I've had a lot of pressure put on me but I'm great.Well,except the fact that I'm a bit grumpy."
Olympia couldn't lie.At the moment,she could stand Otis nor Oona.Neither of them meant anything to her for the time being.
She just couldn't feel anything for anyone.

"Maybe I can help on relieving your anger?"
Oona took a seat where Otis' chair was.

"You know,I just remembered that I have to go on my lunch break.I'll see you in a bit."
Olympia shot up from her desk,glaring at Oona.She wistfully walked away leaving the brunette completely puzzled.

The brunette waved at her as she walked away and headed towards the hall of doors.

"How do I tell Otis in person that I'm jealous because he's going out with Oona?Come on,Olympia.Think!!"
Olympia walked down the hall and kept smacking herself.

"Oh I know,
'Hey Otis,I like you and I'm jealous about how you're going out with Oona.I know it's weird just telling you like this but I didn't know if you received my email.'"
Olympia smiled and clapped like a small infant but then her smile dropped.

"No!!Of course not!!What am I thinking?!
No!!I'm not saying that!!I don't wanna ruin my friendship with Oona or Otis,for a matter of fact."
Olympia passed the cookie room and continued walking.

Otis came out smiling.He had heard her.
She had said it in her words.She had admitted her love for him.

Those were the words that Otis had been so eager to hear.

"I did receive her email....."
Otis ran after her and even threw his files as he sprinted off.

"Olympia!!Olympia!!I have to tell you something."
Olympia jumped up but let him speak.

"I-I did receive you email....
The one you sent many weeks ago."
Otis gasped for air,leaving Olympia in shock for a couple of moments.

"And the truth is that I do like you.But I also like Oona.
But I like you a lot."
Olympia looked hurt.But at the same time she seemed flattered.

"But if you like me.....why are you with Oona?"
Otis ran his hand through his whole face and sighed.

"I like her."


*I like you also.I like you even more."

Oympia blushed and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"I like how you were honest with me.....but.....it still hurts knowing you're with Oona."

"If you want,I'll beak up wi-"

The auburn girl shook her head violently.She could've said 'yes please dump her for me' but she cared about Oona.No matter how much she disliked her at the moment.

She just wanted her happy.

"No.Stay with her.Maybe in the future....me and you could maybe have something.For right now,you and Oona are together and thats all that matters."

Oona had wanted to break up with Otis for several reasons.
One:She had started liking the creature guy.

Two:She wanted Olympia and Otis to date.She shipped them. (Who doesn't?)

Three:She just didn't feel the same for him any more.

"I'm sorry but maybe we should just stay friends."
Otis,deep down,was doing his happy dance.Not that he didn't like Oona,he liked her but now he had a chance to be with Olympia.

"Yeah it's definitely fine."

After a couple of dates,friendly dates,both Olympia and Otis begun getting serious.

"Give me Mr.Giggles back!!"
Otis ran around the house holding her stuffed jackalope and sticking his tongue out at her.

Olympia pouted and smacked him with a pillow.

"Nobody messes with Mr.Giggles."

10 years later
"Mommy!!!Daddy won't give me Mr.Giggles back!!"

Olympia ran into the room and shot Otis a glare.
She grabbed that pillow that she saw and smacked him with it.

"I told you that nobody mess with Mr.Giggles."
This chapter was very......rushed...sorry bout that mate.
(XDGod I want to be so bloody British)

I hope you enjoyed?
Or not.

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