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He looked down at you.He looked down upon many other agents in the squad but it seemed he enjoyed looking down amongst you the most.You hadn't quite understood why though.Had you done something,something you hadn't been aware of,to aggravate him so much he disliked you?

He would often smirk,whisper something to Olaf,while you walked past to go to the break room.It often made you feel very self-unconscious.

So when you found out that you were going to be partner up for reasons,mainly because his partner had to be sent away to get tested on for why he had turned into a werewolf.The boy with hipster glasses found himself staring at you through his black frames in Ms.O's office.

You began explaining how you just couldn't work with someone who made you feel bluer than a smurf,if that was even a simile or a metaphor.He said he just could work with someone who had worked there much less than him.

"Neither of you is getting what you want.Only me!!I want a tropical punch juice box.With a purple straw.Now get back to work!!"The girl slammed her fist down and came in contact with her desk.

"Yes ma'am."Both you and Oren rushed out of Ms.O's office before she could yell any further declines.

"Don't get any ideas about you and me happening,princess."He looked at you from the corner of his eyes and gave a noticeable, please smirk."I have a girlfriend."

His statement caused you to blush.If it hadn't been for his ignorant statement,you wouldn't be a blushing news.it would make him think that you liked him.The folder that was held in you fingers were slammed onto your desk.

"Oren!!!How dare you think I would want a relationship with a coworker?I'm sorry but I would never date someone as selfish as you."You didn't have to look up,from the papers you had picked up once again,to see his reaction.It was obvious in the way he tried to make a comeback but he only zipped his lips and watched you.

"(Y/N),look at me."You were hesitant but you still didn't look him in the face.He would probably say something even more idiotic than he had said before.You shook your head as your response.He spoke up,this time around a hint of sincereness was heard.(like his last name.Ohhhh.Nah.Read on.)"(Y/N),please look at me."

You rolled your eyes and looked at him."Whaaaaattt!!"He smiled when you whipped your head.His head had been in the right position so that when you turned your head he gave you a kiss on the cheek.You sat there,traumatized by the fact that he had just surprised you with a kiss.

"Not so selfish not,huh?"He gave you a wink,sending you into a crazy blushing mode.

"Oren,please try to keep this professional.Fo-"You watched as he rumaged through his desk.The only objects he seemed to be pulling out were potatoes.One after another after another and so on.You giggled the very moment he found his lucky pencil."Just please stop trying to make me laugh.We have to work on this case."

He fixed his glasses and folded his hands before him.His back was straightened out and he even parted his hair through the middle."Will this work for you?"He put on a goofy smile and batted his eyelashes in a charming way.

"No."You said hatefully but only a playful manner."Now do your work to make your girlfriend happy."His smile slowly transformed into a devilish smirk.You hadn't meant for the statement sound like YOU were HIS girlfriend."That's.....that's not what I m-"

He raised his hand to stop you from speaking."I know."He leaned back against his chair and wrapped his own arms around his neck.He let out a relaxed sigh and closed his eyes."Just messing with you."

You let out an irritated groan but went back to filing your case.You would look up every now and then to see what he was doing.You weren't surprised to see that most times he was slacking off but you were impressed when you would look up and saw him doing his work.He would look up and watch you before giving you a wink but busting into laughter.You liked his smile and it made you get a weird feeling in your stomach.

You liked him.

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