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Sorry for my BoyXBoy ship.I wanted to write a oneshot for my good friend,@darkspectrum
Hope you enjoy.
"Mr.President,there's someone here to see you."Oscar looked up from his paperwork and saw Ophelia standing in the doorway.She put one hand in her lab coat and left the other one on the doorknob.

"Who is it?"


"It's me."Odie walked in before Ophelia could finish her sentence.Oscar stood up and motioned for Odie to sit down.

"Would you like anything?"Ophelia was alway being too good of an assistant.

"I'll have a water.What about you Odie?"

"I'll have a Shmumber Cola."Ophelia walked out,letting the door close behind her.Once she left,Oscar turned to face Odie.

"What are you here for?It's not about my haircut is it?Cause I should be the one saying that you stole my haircut."It was true.Last time Oscar saw Odie,he had his hair up in every direction.Now it was just like Oscar's.

"No.No it's not about that...."Odie trailed off,looking away and getting lost in Oscar's chocolate brown eyes.

"Then what is it?"Oscar dropped his pen and looked at Odie.

"I.....I just wanted to see how my good buddy was doing as president of the scientists."He put his hands over his mouth as he realized what he'd just blurted out.

"That's nice.Well I guess I'm doing great except the fact that I don't see my friends anymore but I do geet to see the loveliest face all day when I'm here."Odie's face fell.

Oscar had just admitted to him that he loved somebody's face in this office.He knew that Oscar would never see anything in him.After all Odie had called Oscar a thief months back when Olive had begun to turn into a pirate.

"That's really great...."Odie looked out the window and plastered on a fake smile.Oscar noticed this and let out a sigh.He had admitted to Odie that he got to see a lovely face all day,but Odie didn't know who he was talking about.

"Odie.....what's on your mind?"

"What do you mean?"Odie obviously was pretending not to be hurt.He even had a fake smile on but his eyes said a whole different story.

"Something is make you upset or bugging you."Odie stood up and walked to the window.

"Have you ever fallen for someone but they just don't know how you feel and they like someone else?"

Yes.It was the same with Olive.Now it's the same thing with you.I love you Odie.I really do."Yes.I know what you're talking about."
Oscar walked up behind Odie and put his hands behind his back.

"I'm going through that right now in fact."Odie felt anger deep down inside.Oscar kept talking about this persob but never mentioned a name.

"Really?With who?Olive?Oona?Oprah?"Oscar shook his head.

"None of those."

"Then who?"Oscar let out a sighed and tapped on the window.

"Please don't say anything.It's a he and he's in this building right now at the moment."

"Well is he in a relationship at the moment?"Odie kicked the corner of the wall as the words seemed to roll off his tongue but the tears remained held back.

"No.You would never understand Odie.I have always been.....different from everyone else."Oscar closed his eyes and thought back to everything anyone had ever told him.

"No you're not.You're special.To me you are."Oscar looked at Odie,who was staring into his eyes as well.

Before any of them knew it,Odie was pushed against the desk and Oscar was grabbing him by his lab coat.They were both sharing their first kiss together.

It was as if their bodies and lips had minds of their own and wanted these two together.The world felt as if it had stopped,just for the two of them.

Ophelia walked and turned a dark red as she saw the image of these two kissing.Instead of doing what any other staff member would've done,she smiked when Oscar pulled away from Odie and gave them a wink.

"Go back to what you were doing.Don't mind me.I'll cancel your next meeting if you like so you two can spend time."She smiked and closed the door.

Oscar gave a goofy smile and looked back at Odie."I like her."Odie brushed his hand through his hair and smirked.

"Want to go catch up at lunch?"

"Sure.I'd like that."The two went through their tube system and landed in front of a Deli Shop.

"I'm sorry but the President is out for the next few hours.He has other things to wlrk on and I think this will take a while.Thank you for understanding."Ophelia hung up the phone and took out her Ship journal.

"Another check in the ship book."She wrote down a check next to Oscar and Odie's faces.
Tbh this was my first time writing a bxb oneshot so sorry if it's bad.Enjoy.Also I am wanting you know this,if you would like me to read one of your books please use the tag #Honeyread I will read books om their weekly.My mom likes Odd Squad and asks me where they film so I can be in an episode.XD

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